Ohinemataroa Whakatane River Species

A list of species that were living in the Whakatane River recorded by NIWA.govt.nz excluding marine fish. Plus some information on habitat. 

For the purpose of salvation and life-releasing. Whakatane River is called Ohinemataroa named after the Mataroa ranges found in Te Urewera National Park. So Whakatane River system is very wide including Waimana river.
  Native fish:
(Common Smelt) Retropinna Retropinna ;-----; Torrentfish (Cheimarrichthys fosteri) ;-----;  Gobiomorphus  cotidianus (Common bully) ;-----; Gobiomorphus gobioides (Giant bully) ;-----; Gobiomorphus hubbsi (Bluegill bully) ;-----; gobiomorphus huttoni (Redfin bully) ;; 
 (kahawai) Arripis trutta  ;-----; ( Parore) Girella tricuspidata ;;
 Catfish Ameiurus  Nebulosus ;-----; Carassius auratus (Goldfish) ;-----;  Gambusia (Gambusia Affinis) ;-----; brown trout (Salmo trutta) ;-----; Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout) ;;

Galaxias maculatus (Inanga)

Sexually mature size = 10cm to 19cm
Age of sexual maturity = 1 year
Life stages =
  • Eggs grow on riverbank grass (riparian banks) for 2 to 4 weeks.
  •  7mm larva are swept to sea in spring spending 3 to 6 months in the ocean.  
  • When Jouveniles are 3cm to 5cm they migrate back to freshwater. 


Freshwater shrimp( Paratya curvirostris)

Ideal water temperature = 15 to 18 celsius.
 Food = P. curvirostris brushes the detritis off of aquatic plant leaves. 
Sexually Mature size = 25mm
Age of Sexual maturity = 7 months
Life Stages: 
  • %100 of shrimp are males in the larval stage. 
  • After 7 months the shrimp metamorph into females. 
  • The lifespan is unknown but estimated at 2 years. 

Anguilla dieffenbachii (Longfin Eel)

Food = omnivorous. 
Size of maturity = 67cm to 156cm long
Age of maturity = 20 to 60 years. 
Life stages: 
  • 1 million eggs hatch into leaf-shaped larvae. 
  • The larvae drifts on ocean for 15 months. 
  • In estuaries they transform into jouvenile glass eels (under 12cm). 
  • Then during the first year they gain colour. 
  • They grow 1cm a year. 
  • at maturity they go out to sea, details of semelparous or iteroparous is unknown. 

Anguilla australis (shortfin eel) 

Food = omnivore
Mature size = 110cm
Age at maturity = 15 to 30 years
Life Stages: Because these are found in Australia, much hypothetical information exists, where the eels travel to New Caledonia to mate, and ocean currents bring the creatures back to the rivers. 


Torrentfish (Cheimarrichthys fosteri)

Ideal water temperature: Require cool , highly oxygenated water. 
Food type =  Eats aquatic invertibrates
Size at Maturity = 120mm
Life Stages = 
  • females swim down stream in summer and autumn to spawn. 
  • Eggs washed out to sea, 
  • and in spring the larva babies swim inland . 

 Gobiomorphus  cotidianus (Common bully)

Food type = Eats crustacea and insects. 
Size at Maturity = 150mm
Age of sexual maturity = 1 year
Life stages
  • The Summer months, bully spawn near shore (littoral zone).  
  •   Once they are 2cm, they're in deeper benthic zone. 
  • Sexual maturity is after 1 year old. 
Food of life stages = Larva eat zooplankton
Predators = Trout and eels. 


 Gobiomorphus gobioides (Giant bully)

Size of maturity = 150mm

 Gobiomorphus hubbsi (Bluegill bully)

Size of maturity = 70mm
Life stages
  • Eggs laid in water, flowing into the sea,  
  • after few months baby fish return to freshwater
  • swim slowly upstream over years.  

Gobiomorphus huttoni (Redfin bully)

Food types = opportunistic. Like all bullies feeds on insects. 
Size of sexual maturity = 120mm
Age of maturity = 2 years
Life Cycle = 
  • hatch in nests under log hollows.
  • spend few months at sea until 2cm long
  •  then come into the freshwater for rest of life. 

(Common Smelt) Retropinna retropinna

Ideal water temperature = 15 to 27 degrees
Sexual maturity size = 80mm to 130mm
Sexual maturity age = 1 year old. 
Food at Life Stages = 
  • larva eat rotifyers rather than plankton. 
  • Juveniles eat copepods (small crustaceans) and Claderons (water fleas). 
  • Adults eat insect larva they are able to catch on the water's surface. 

Parore (Girella tricuspidata) 

Food type = herbivore
Size at maturity = 30 to 70cm
Age at maturity = 24 years old.

 Arripis trutta (kahawai)


Carassius auratus (Goldfish) 

NIWA's most frequently caught fish in Whakatane river, was the goldfish which people must have (i guess) dropped in the river. 100 to 200 Goldfish in each survey. Not koi carp, but gold fish. 


Gambusia (Gambusia Affinis) (also known as the mosquitofish)

 ideal water = 24-30-42degrees
 food type = vivaparous mosquito larvae, zooplankton,
 Size at maturation = 4cm to 7cm
 Age at maturation = 28 to 50 days
 life cycle =

  •  newborn gambusia are 9mm in length.
  •  Jouveniles grow 1mm per 5 days.


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