Jesus' "love your neighbour as yourself" law and Calculus integration.

The relationship between Lord Jesus' double law "Love eternal God and Love thy neighbour" and Calculus' integration. Take-home lessons: To get to the higher dimensions of life , we must love one another. To love one another you each must love your neighbour as yourself. You must treat your neighbour as you want others to treat you. You must change your view of your self, to accomodate the others as they accomodate you, and not simply just view yourself as by your self and next to other people. By accomodate i mean, to tolerate, to accept, to get along with, to work with, to help, to be helped by, to share the world with. The infinitesimal unit is an individual. In geometry and in calculus, this is easily visualized. A number is a summation of many "ones." In geometry a number is a line. A line is a summation of lots of (1/infinity big) dots in sequence. Each dot has two n...