How to install apache php and mysql on windows 7 with cygwin.
How To set up your PHP Server at home on Microsoft Windows. Get Cygwin from and install it with httpd ( Apache webserver ) and also get your httpd-php module from the Cygwin installer for free. Free software is the source of internet technologies that the big tech companies copy and sell. Pro-Tip:: a. You’ll probably need to add to your bashrc the “Set path=$path;/usr/sbin” line to allow your bash shell to type "httpd" and start the webserver. To shut the webserver down you can find the program "apachectl" (apache control.) 2) Get your Apache server to run. You can use.bashrc alias to shortcut httpd “ –f “ F flag to set up your customized httpd.conf. You’ll need to edit the httpd.conf file to do: Httpd has a root directory where it’s server files go. This is in /etc/httpd Httpd has a Servername ( Httpd also has a ServerRoot so set that to somewhere in your Home (~/) I suggest apache. Httpd also has a DocumentRoot,...