Jesus' "take up thy cross and Follow Jesus" and "love one another" and Calculus' 1/infinity.
Menu : "Love Thy Neighbour" :: "Take Up Thy Cross" :: Name of Jesus :: Millionaire Success Habits :: Greatest Love is to lay down one's life for one's friends . Love Thy Neighbour (chapter 1 = As Mentioned in Chapter 1, For calculus' integration to occur, each individual unit (or person) must be uniformly shaped as the neighbouring units are , and in this way even 2D-strips of " mathematically negligible ' geometric objects, obey Christ's commandment to love thy neighbours . That is to say, in a circle , if the 2D oblong with a length of "Radius" and a width of "1/infinity" were to be placed between the circumference and the 'origin', then for that object to have uniform neighbours and form a 2-dimensional circle, the unit would needs be a triangle with Height equaling "Radius" and Base equaling "1/in...