The smallest ℝeal number in Mathematics and Αlpha and Ωmega
contents | ||
Defining 1/infinity | Appreciating Α Ω | Takeaway summary |
What Jesus said | The effect of What Jesus said |
Calculus uses a special number δx = 1 ÷ infinity which is the smallest number imaginable.
It is 0.0000…00001. if 1÷10 = 0.1 and 1/100 = 0.01 then 1/infinity = 0.0000000000…001 .
“dx” is shorthand for the Greek letter Delta x = Δx or δx , because delta "Δ" is used in mathematics to mean ‘change in’ .
δX is spoken as "d X"
Revelation John Greets the Seven Churches
4John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne; 5And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, 6And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. 7Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
Christianity and Alpha and Omega
Because Lord Jesus after his resurrection, called himself "Alpha and Omega" the "Beginning and the ending", Christians have carefully used the ancient Greek alphabet. Because the international language during the first century was Greek, we desperately need to read the Greek Holy Scriptures to get past all the crap cultural hubris or male-dominated european culture which invades and permeates the Holy Scriptures of the God of liberty, who created man and woman equally, in fairness and love.
But here, the shapes of the letters, Alpha and Omega, the very glyphs are of interest, and I show that graphically they represent the geometric representation of *1/infinity) which is a universal truth, and the very first number countable above zero is 1/infinity, and the very last (biggest) number would be a multiple of 1/infinity, such as infinity + (1/infinity).
Defining δx = 1 ÷ infinity
"δX" exists as a ℝ Real rational number even if in Algebra infinity is undefined explicitly. (The keyword here is "defined", since variables define a single number for each evaluation of an equation. 0 < x < 3 means that x = 1 ;x = 1.1; x = 2; x = 2.9; ).
Because Infinity is a concept of the largest number imaginable that at any time (of evaluation) can be redefined as an even more larger number (infinity = infinity + 1) so that "infinity" is always increasing then (1 ÷ infinity) is always decreasing.
So δx is difficult to use honestly or visualize because its value is defined by infinity and infinity is a conceptual-value not an actual value. . But 1/infinity is a number above zero.
Infinity can be defined by an algebraic variable (X = X + 1) as X approaches infinity. X ⧴ ∞ Thus as X ⧴ ∞ then δX = 1 ÷ X. (To speak this aloud : "As X approaches infinity then delta X equals 1 divided by X.)
Calculus defines Integration of any function f(x) as [m,n]∫f(x)δX = f(x) * δx [ for all the dx within m < x < n]. And Integration is the reversal of Differentiation.
Calculus defines Differentiation of any function f(x) as: ∂f(x)/∂x = ( f(x + δx) – f(x)) / δx
You can look at δx from ∂f(x)/∂x by looking at ∂f(x) for any Cartesian graph y = f(x)
That is to say that since any number's value is actually represented in geometry a “1-dimensional line of value’s length” and since any straight line is the shortest length between two points , then we can use the two points used for ∂f(x) = f(x+ δx) – f(x) where one point is f(x+ δx) and the other point is f(x) to visualize δf(x).
This may seem so intuitively correct that there may be an exception. Look at ∂f(x) for f(x) = x^2 on the value of f(x) approaches 1/infinity or 0 as X increases.
Let’s say ∂f(x)/∂x = 1 so that f(x) = x or y = x is a simple straight diagonal line for all values of x ⧴ ∞.
Then for those two points {f(x+ δx) ,f(x) } there is a distance along the x-axis of δx which is a single point that houses the gradient’s tangential line y = x*∂f(x)/∂x + C so that the gradient’s example line y=mx+c for that point sits on that point and kisses only that particular point on the line f(x).
What those two points are doing is meeting perpetually, due to infinity never being reached in the function δx = 1/infinity.
Okay, so in summary, the infinitesimal value {X ⧴ ∞; δX = 1 ÷ X; δx ⧴ 0} can be visualized as two meeting points f(x+ δx) – f(x) whose distance reduces to a single point which (since any value can be magnified ) so that the two points continue to perpetually meet, perpetually reducing in distance.
Looking at the Greek Letters Alpha { Α } and Omega { Ω } .
The glyph for Alpha is two lines that meet at the top. There is obviously an angle between the two meeting lines because the two lines are not parallel and thus are triangular. In other words, there are two bottom points at y=0 and midway between the two points but at y = h there is the single top point shared by both lines.
The glyph for Omega is two bottom points connected by a circular line.
So looking at the Alpha glyph to illustrate the two points of ∂f(x) = f(x+ δx) – f(x)
the bottom points of the two lines of Alpha so that one line starts at f(x+ δx) and the other line starts at f(x) and the top point is like f(x+ ½ *(1/infinity)) .
But to understand how 1/infinity looks like Omega, we must understand the perfection of geometry’s circle. Simply the area of a circle is (Area = pi* Radius^2) and if Radius is 1 (one unit of any measurement) then the Area depends on the precision of pi .
Pi is an irrational number, because it is so perfectly definable, that at any level of precision, 10 decimal places 100 decimal places billion decimal places pi is defined.
So say you have pi = 3.142 instead of 3.1415 5* 3.142 is 15.71 but 5 * 3.1415 = 15.7075. If you were multiplying the distance of a circle 10 kilometers wide, we would be off by 25 meters.
However pi can only be as precise as the precision of δx .
So when we magnify the single dot’s length of the Alpha representation of f(x+ δx) – f(x) , the ability to magnify is as assuredly possible as a ℝ Real circle is perfectly curving.
Connecting the dots.
Thus the Omega’s circle is no accident but shows the perpetually increasing perfection of ℝ domain’s 1/infinity . Omega symbolizes zooming-in on the range above and below 1/infinity to verify it’s individually smaller components.And Alpha symbolizes zooming-out from a range of small points to the single large point, so that a single observable unit is seen even though it can be comprised by that Real range.
Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
why you apply the idea of Alpha being zooming out abstraction to biblical "beginning situations", and when you apply the idea of Omega being zooming in individuality to theological "ending situations", then a verse where "everyone dies" but it's only individual creatures in their own individual time that die individually. And though there are many diverse life forms we all started at nearly the same time according to in Genesis 1.
When we look at Jesus Christ, the beginning of global raceless kingdom of God-of-Israel , we call the whole universal church as "body of Christ".
Sceptical Science
In order to use δx Calculus as the idea of approaches Limits.
A limit says that as X ⧴ ∞; δX = 1 ÷ X; δx ⧴ 0, as X approaches some value then δx also approaches 0. Or in other words the limit of dx is 0 even though without the concept of limits dx is never 0.
So the limit is reached at the last operation of an expression. This is a big deal, because a variable in algebra, though it can be many different values, it can only be one value in a single evaluation of an equation. So f(x) = x + x means that f(2) = 2+ 2 but not 2+3.
In basic Algebra the denominator of a fraction can’t be zero, it is illegal in algebra to divide by zero. Thus according to calculus in differentiation δx is not 0 until it is removed from being a denominator which is the objective of simplifying of ∂f(x)/∂x .
Take f(x) = x^2 then ∂f(x)/∂x
= (x^2 + 2* δx* x + δx ^2 – x^2 ) / δx | Expand the binomial | δx ⧴ 0 |
= ( 2* δx* x + δx ^2) / δx | Perform (x^2 – x^2) | δx ⧴ 0 |
= 2x + δx | Cancel out the denominator | δx ⧴ 0 |
=2x | Last operation reached so limit reached | δx = 0 |
So if δx ⧴ 0 = 0 then ∂f(x)/∂x is illegal according to Algebra at the first step. Ignoring Algebra’s rule to not divide by 0 can cause errors such as 2 = 1.
We shouldn't miss the beauty of the forest by focusing on each tree alone, nor should we miss the beauty of each tree by looking only at the forest as a whole.
The effect of Lord Jesus calling himself "Alpha and Omega" in history:
Historians knew to respect each and every letter of the Holy Scriptures, as it was written in Greek.
The Holy Scriptures of the New Testament was originally written in Greek, because Greek was the international language which was taught to the educated people, in the first century A.D.
For instance Simon Peter hired Mark to interpret into Latin for Peter's roman congregation/audiences, and so Mark spoke Greek while Peter only spoke Hebrew-Aramaic.
Eusebius in 300A.D. recorded the stories of the names of the Gospels.
Since the days of Moses who wrote down the Pentateuch 12 times for each tribe, before he died according to Jewish history. The replication of the Holy Scriptures was very accurate. Each letter was checked.
Christians believe that Jesus Christ came to fulfill every word of the Holy Scriptures because Jesus Christ is "the word" before the world was made, and the "word" became incarnated flesh who is Jesus Christ.
Yes, Christians for thousands of years have literally believed that the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ are the incarnation of the same 'the word" (which is true i've seen the holy bible be alive in my hands, once when i was getting persecuted... in 17 sept 2005 during )< br>
This is why Christians always pray "praise to Christ the word" after reading holy scriptures.
however naughty they are, they knew to respect each and every letter of the Holy Scriptures, as it was written in Greek.
John was the youngest Disciple of the 12 during the life of Jesus from 1A.D. to 34A.D. we can't say he was born before 14A.D. since he was present with the women and children at the cross of Jesus, and then John was the fastest runner to the empty tomb on resurrection sunday. a sign that John was young and fast.
So Eusebius, recorded that John wrote his "Gospel of St. John", after reading the 3 other Gospels and wanting to correct the timing of the temple cleansing. Nowadays skeptical atheist biblical scholars dispute when the various scriptures were written (they follow the snake in Genesis 3 asking the question and answering with the antithesis)
But John wanted to correct and keep correct the truth of the biographies of Jesus Christ, so that we Christians in subsequent generations love him the resurrected man for who he truly was.
he succeeded in this feat
... But if you knew that "the Scriptures were falsified" before they were made public, in addition to the implicit prophesy of "sealing / sealing / codification", Daniel 12/4, 9, [13] ...? [!!!]
But I ask you: ... "What is your belief, if you say that you read carefully the Book / Bible, and you still have not understood that the prophets (Hebrews 1: 1) speak of the future about the coming / the raising / resurrection of the prophet in the future [_ Romans 5/14], that is, in the time (this) "(corroborates) _ John 4/25; Revelation 5 / 1-9; Deuteronomy 18 / 15,18; Acts 3/22; 7/37; _ Galatians 4/4,
and what if "The Promised One" is My / I am -Moses / [ _ Revelation 2/17; 3/12; _ Acts 4/12]; _ Romania / Romans 10/14 - (? !!!); Isaiah 6 / (8-12), 13; 9 / 1.2 [6]; 65/1; 52/6 -Gheorghe Moise _ Here-Ma! Hebrews 10/7, implicitly, that I understood that the prophets did not fail [Matthew 11/19; _ Luke 18/8] (coroborate) _ Hebrews 1 / (1), 2; Exit / Exodus 4/1, - (10), 11-16; Luke 16: 29,31; Hebrws 3 / 7,13,15; _ Romania / Romans 5/14; 10 / (16), 17-20
but in order to understand my speech, a highly evolved genetic / cerebral endowment is necessary, surpassing the limitropha genetic state - Genesis 1/24, 25, close to the "End of the Law" - Romans / Romania 10/4, ie close to " Man _ "Genesis 1 / 26-31. ...
= Yours sincerely. - Moses / Gheorghe Moise / Messiah / Lamb _ Revelation 5 / 1-9; 1/8; 21/6; 22/13 ... - "Do you understand?" (see) _ Matthew 19/11; 7 / 13-15, (16-20); _ Matthew 11/19; 5/17; _ Luke 18/8.
thank you very much Gheorghe Moise for responding. thank God too above. .
DeleteDaniel 9:25 to end is talking about Jesus Christ.
62 weeks = 620BC (Draco wrote first Greek lawcode, Ezekiel born in 622BC who had vision makes people think sky is crystal dome, Assyria & babylon, )
in Genesis 1, world made in 7 days, Genesis 1:1 - 2:3
in Genesis 2, world made in 1 day, Genesis 2:4
so 1 day = 1 week
1 week = 70 years
1 day = 10 years = 1 week (with looking at history or looking at future, from Jesus Christ's point of view. ). .
"What is your belief, if you say that you read carefully the Book / Bible, and you still have not understood that the prophets (Hebrews 1: 1) speak of the future about the coming / the raising / resurrection of the prophet in the future [_ Romans 5/14], that is, in the time (this) "(corroborates) _ John 4/25; Revelation 5 / 1-9; Deuteronomy 18 / 15,18; Acts 3/22; 7/37; _ Galatians 4/4,
Here-Ma! Hebrews 10/7, implicitly, that I understood that the prophets did not fail [Matthew 11/19; _ Luke 18/8] (coroborate) _ Hebrews 1 / (1), 2; Exit / Exodus 4/1, - (10), 11-16; Luke 16: 29,31; Hebrws 3 / 7,13,15; _ Romania / Romans 5/14; 10 / (16), 17-20
Genesis 1/24, 25, close to the "End of the Law" - Romans / Romania 10/4, ie close to " Man _ "Genesis 1 / 26-31. ...
Delete/// but in order to understand my speech, a highly evolved genetic / cerebral endowment is necessary, surpassing the limitropha genetic state ///
God perfectly created everything, God judged everything was good.
God perfectly created Adam and Eve in Genesis 2.
the snake complains. the snake says Eve make herself better.
the snake complains, and we think it is monetary temptation.
we must thank God for how Adam is how Eve is.
this is why Jesus Christ is second Adam, and Catholic/Orthodox/Protestant Christian Church is bride of Jesus Christ.
so we thank God for making Jesus, we thank God for making Church.
it is honour to God to say "God perfectly created things"
it is nazi honour of the snake temptation, to say "God created things to be perfect"
... - Thanks for the reaction; - But, here, if you let me go to my page [censored by those who call their Secret Service, they approached me unsuccessfully), maybe you will understand what 62 weeks means; - so read in my blog:
= Your Honor - Messiah / Romans 10/14 -?! / _ Isaiah 65/1; _ Revelation 2/17; 3/12; _ Isaiah 52/6 - Gheorghe Moise / Moses / _ Acts 3/22 / _ Romania / Romans 5/14; 10 / (16), 17-20 ... - Understand? [!!!]; _ Exit / Sending / Exodus 4/1, _ Luke 16 / 29,31; 18/8, ... & ... [Hebrews 3 / 7,13,15] / repeat _ Matthew 11/19; _ Luke 18/8.
... _ See: _ Romans 11/(3)-5,7,8; 10/(16),17-20; _ Deuteronomy 29/4...
, and I hope you do not mind for My reproaches _ Matthew 22/29; 19/11, that is, you have not given the date / the genetic capability (still made in your mother's womb) to understand My speech (in parables) - Matthew 13 / 13-15, (16,17), 34,35; John 16/25, because you did not understand anything of the scriptures because they are still sealed - Daniel 12 / 4.9, to Me / Lamb - Revelation 5 / 1-9; 1/8; 21/6; 22/13.
I am that _ Hebrews 1/2, (3); 10/7; Isaiah 6/8, (9-12), 13; 52/6 - Here I am! - Gheorghe Moise _ Exit / Sending 3/14; 4/1-1(10), 11-16; 3/16(19); _ John 10/8,(11-16); - Acts 4/12; _ Revelation 2/17; 3/12. ... & ... _ Hebrews 1/1; Luke 16 / 29,31.
- See <* 62 Weeks *>: _;
- Messiah.
Gheorghe Moise, just thank God, do not worry about the snake-america's complaints against anything real.
DeleteThe Parables of Lord Jesus can be understood as %100 truth, so you really take wheat seeds and grow them anywhere in city or land.
The parables of Lord Jesus speak of the Kingdom of God, so they speak of the church over 2000 years. 1cor 12-27
Because the Parables of Lord Jesus speak of the Church, they speak of Lord Jesus' body.
In the parables of Lord Jesus is speaking of himself.
You may think, is that false?
But if you read Exodus 20:16 the law is against lying about a neighbour. To Christians, we love our neighbours and we love our enemies so we love everyone. Who is neighbour to Jesus? everyone. Then who is not neighbour to Jesus? himself.
So Jesus is free according to the commandments to speak about himself through parables.
Parabolele Domnului Isus pot fi înțelese ca adevărul% 100, deci luați cu adevărat semințe de grâu și le creșteți oriunde în oraș sau pe pământ.
Pilda Domnului Isus vorbeste despre Imparatia lui Dumnezeu, asa ca vorbesc despre biserica de mii de ani.
Pentru că parabolele Domnului Isus vorbesc despre Biserică, ei vorbesc despre trupul Domnului Isus.
În pildele Domnului Isus vorbeste despre sine.
S-ar putea sa te gandesti, este falsa?
Dar dacă citiți Exodul 20:16, legea este împotriva minciunii despre un vecin. Pentru creștini, ne iubim pe vecinii noștri și ne iubim pe vrăjmașii noștri, așa că ne iubim pe toți. Cine este aproape de Isus? toata lumea.
Atunci cine nu este aproape de Isus? se.
Deci, Isus este liber conform poruncilor de a vorbi despre el însuși prin pilde.
Romans%2010:14-99;Isaiah+65:1;Revelation+2:17-3:12;Isaiah%2052:6;Acts+3:22;Romans+5:14,10:16-20;Exodus+4+1;Luke16:29-30,18:8;Hebrews+3:3-15;Matthew+11:19;Luke+18:8Deci, dacă citiți despre Jezebel și regele Ahab în regii, veți vedea că ea se preface că este rege și multe multe biserici ar putea fi confundate să vadă că atunci când ne rugăm la Tatăl în numele lui Isus, noi îi asumăm numele ca o înșelătorie sau ambasador.
DeleteDar, de fapt, trebuie să chemăm însuși Domnul Isus Hristos atunci când ne rugăm la Tatăl, pentru ca El să se roage pentru noi în fața Tatălui Veșnic care răspunde rugăciunilor. Chiar și atunci, este un spectacol pe care suntem încântați să-i numim numele, chiar dacă Isus Hristos, născut cu 2018 de ani în urmă, este cu adevărat viu și în nori, așa cum menționează Eusebiu, și mulți oameni menționează.
pur și simplu striga la Isus când te rogi Dumnezeului zeilor.
So if you read about Jezebel and King Ahab in Kings, You will see that she pretends to be the King, and many many churches might be confused to see that when we pray to Father in Jesus' name, we are assuming his name as trickery or ambassador.
But Actually, we must call out to Lord Jesus Christ himself, when we pray to the Father, so that He will pray on our behalf to the Eternal Father who answers prayers. Even then, it is a show that we are comfortable to call on his name, even though Jesus Christ born 2018 years ago is truly alive and in the clouds, as Eusebius mentions, and many people mention.
simply call out to Jesus when you pray to the God of Gods.
... - You do not know anything in the Scriptures because they are sealed (Daniel 12 / 4,9), to Me / I am the Lamb - the one who has managed to break the book's seals (Revelation 5 / 1-9; 1 / 8: 22/13), that is why I tell you that you are wasting and you are deprived of truth (Matthew 22/29; 1 Timothy 6: 4,5) among fairy tales and stories (1 Timothy 4/7) about My Mystery (Romans 16/25; 1 Timothy 2/5, 6), and you will never understand anything if you will not listen to Me (Deuteronomy 18:15, Acts 3/22), I am the One to whom reigning death (Romans 5/14; Acts 26/23), but you will not be able to understand if you do not have the superior cerebral genetic genetics (Matthew 19/11);
Delete- I will not respond to comments; We can not communicate.
= Yours sincerely. - Messiah / Moses / Moise Gheorghe / Romania / Romans 5/14; _ Exit / Sending / Exodus 3/14; 4/1,-(10),11-16; _ John 1/1,2,5,14; 10/8,11-16... & ... Matthew 11/19; _ Luke 18/8.
i'm sure you and Hitler are very proud of your brain.
DeleteI am Gentile. of Noah, adopted son and daughter of the God of Gods . God of the
we acknowledge the Jesus was under your Judaism and your Roman Caesars.
_ I did not understand message, or maybe it is "a parable / a parable" but it is not in the Bible... & ... _ Acts 13/(10),40,[41; _ Matthew 12/(33),34-37; _ 1 Tim.6/(3),4,5;
_ I am _ Matthew 11/19; _ I am _ 1 Tim.2/5,[6]; _ Romans 10/14 -?!; _ Isaiah 65/1 (-?!); 9/1,2,[6]; 52/6 -"Here -Ma!" - Gheorghe Moise / Moses _ Exit / Sending / Exodus 3/14; 4/1,-(10),11-16; _ I am _ Romans 5/14; 10/(16),17-20.
= With a little dear. -Messiah.
... _ I am _ Filipians 2/[6,7],8,(9 - Moses / Moise / Gheorghe Moise _ Rev.2/17; 3/12; _ Acts 4/12); _ Romans 5/14; _ Exit / Exodus / Sending 3/14; 4/1,-(10),11-16; _ John 1/1,2,5,11,14; 3/16,[19]; 4/25,[26]; 5/39; 7/37; 9/39; 10/8,11-16; ... 8/21,23,24,[26]-29.
= With a little dear. -Messiah ... _ Matthew 11/19; _ Luke 18/8; _ John 7/49; _ Hosea 4/6.
... _ *I am "Alpha and Omega" = "I am"* _ Isaiah 6/8,(9-12),[13]; 9/1,2,[6]; 65/1; 52/6 - Gheorghe Moise / George Moses _ "Here - Ma!"; 55/1,(6-8),9; 53/1-7, ... -Understand ?[!!!] = _ Isaiah 29/10-13,[14]; _ Romania / Romans 5/14; 11/8; _ Deuteronomy 29/4; _ John 7/49; _ Hosea 4/6.
= With a little dear. -Messiah _ Exit / Exodus / Sending 3/14; 4/1,-(10),11-16; _ John 10/8,11-16; 14/6,[10,11]; 1/1,2,5,14; 3/(16),19; _ Matthew 11/19; _ John 16/(8)-11,[12]; 8/21,23,24,[26]-29; 43,[44]-47, ... & ... _ Luke 18/8.
... _ 1 Corinthians 14/21: ... _ @ ["Credinta" (vs) *Stiinta*] ... & ... _ Ioan 7/49; _ Osea 4/6,
ReplyDeletepartial implicit contextul _ Mat.13/(13-15),16,17,34,35; _ Ioan 16/25; _ Deut.18/15,18; _ Fapte 3/22; _ Iesirea / Trimiterea 3/14; 4/1,[10],11-17; _ Mat.[1/18-21]; 12/18-21; _ Ioan 7/(27,31),37-[39]; 14/1,6; 1/1,5,(11),14; 16/33; _ 1 Tes.5/20,21; _ 2 Tim.3/1-6,[7],(8,9); 4/3,4; _ Ioan 5/39; 9/39-[41]; _ Mat.5/17; _ Is.65/1; 52/6 _*Iata-Ma!*; _ Romani'a 5/(12),14; _ Fapte 26/23; _ Ioan 10/8,11-17; [4/(25),26; 5/39; 9/39].
_“Credinta”, ca "notiune implicita in Scripturi" _ 2 Pet.1/20,21; _ Romani'a 3/[10-18],19,31; 9/30-32; _ Gal.3/8,11,22; _ 1 Tim.1/4; _ Ev.11/3,23,24,27; _ 1 Pet.1/5; 2/1,2; _ 2 Pet.1/19; _ Mat.17/20; _ Luca 17/6,
"prin talcuire", inseamna *Stiinta*:
-*Revelatie /"Descoperire / Luminare" / "Vedere" / "Certitudine" / “Cunoastere”/*Intelepciune*/ "Minte = Mantuire" _ Romani'a 11/8; _ Deut.29/4; _ 2 Pet.1/5,6, *capatata /[implicit(a)], genetic si cerebral" / "data (d)in facere in pantecele mamelor" _ Matei 19/11, "activata / activa" _ Ev.8/13; [_ Fapte 7/20-23]; _ Deut.9/11-17; 10/1-5, dupa "ReNastere" (vezi) _ Ioan.3/3-7,(16); _ 2 Cor.5/17; _ Gal.6/15; _ 2 Pet.3/13; _ Apoc.21/1;
si, (ia Amin'te) _ Fapte 3/22; 17/1,(2)-5; _ Ioan 5/(24,25),39];_ Mar.1/15; 10/14; _ Is.6/(8),9,10-[13]; _ 1 Cor.6/9,10; 3/19;
_ In contextul ca Scripturile [re]constituiesc "Stiinta despre Geneza / Facerea Omului"; _ Gen.1/(26-30),31; 2/1,2; _ Romani'a 3/19; 10/4; _ Mat.16/13; 22/32; _ Apoc.22/13,16; _ 1 Tim.2/5,(6); _ Gal.4/4; _ Ioan 1/1,5,14; 3/16; 8/(16,18),23,24-[29],32; 10/38; 14/10,11,
"Codificata Ezoteric" _ Dan.8/25,26; 9/25,26; 12/4,[9]; _ Mat.13/13-15,(34,35),[16,17]; 19/11; 22/29; _ Mar.12/24; _ Is.6/8,(9-12),[13 -Eu sint Acela],
prin *Renastere*/["Nasterea din Nou"] _ Ioan 3/3-7, fiind implicita posibilitatea *Devenirii*/"Iesirii din Matricea Genetica Inferioara"/*Exit the Matrix*/"Get out of the Matrix*, implicit(a) "Schimbarea Legii / Un Nou Legamant*/"O faptura Noua" _ Deut.9/11-17; 10/1-5; _ Evrei 8/13; _ 2 Cor.5/17; _ Gal.6/15; _ 2 Pet.3/13; _ Apoc.21/1; _ Ioan 3/3-7,(16); _ Mat.5/17; _ Ioan 4/(25),26; _ Apoc.2/17; 3/12,21; 5/1-12,(13,14); 17/14; 21/7; _ Fapte 3/22; _ Mat.[1/18-21]; 12/18-21; _ Ioan 3/16; 5/39; _ Is. 65/1; 52/6 -"Gheorghe Moise _ Iata-Ma!";
_ Nu ati inteles _ Romani'a 3/(10-18),19; _ Prov.12/1,(23),
si nu stiti ca, astfel, singuri /[prin _ Fapte 13/(10),40], va automutilati genetic _ 1Cor.3/20; _ Romani'a 1/21); _ 1Pet.2/1,2, (si pe copilasii vostri _ Mat.19/14; _ Mar.10/14); _ 1 Cor.3/18,(19),20; _ Prov.8/10; 1/22,
si, astfel, nu ajungeti la Sfarsitul Legii _ Romani'a 10/4; _ Ps.90/8-12; _ Ioan 11/9; 12/35,36; _ Gen. 6/3; [1/24,25]; _ 2 Pet.2/12; _ Iuda 1/10 -16,
_ Veti muri in desert'aciune, potrivit Starii Genetice "Matrix" _ Gen.1/24,25,
*nemantuiti*/"fara minte" _ Romani'a 11/8-10; _ 1Pet.2/1,2; _ 2Pet.2/12; _ Deut.29/4; _ Apoc.3/1, neavand timp sa roditi _ Ps.90/8-10; _ Ioan 11/9; 12/35,36; _ Gen.6/3; _ Is.9/16,
*batjocorind ce nu cunoasteti* _ Iuda 1/10-16; _ 2 Pet.2/1-3,
"in complicitate paralela si concomitenta", constienta sau inconstienta / intentionata sau neintentionata, cu cei ce-si zic "Pastori, Preoti, InaltipreaSfinti si profesori - doctori in felurite Teologii si Religii" _ Mat.23/(1,2),3-10,13-15,24-28; 7/15-20; _ Is.3/12; _ Ier.5/26-31; 9/3-8; _ Mica 2/(1)-3; 3/11; 7/(1)-3; _ Iuda 1/10; _ 2Pet.2/12, care, nu stiu ca sint "sub lege" _ Romani'a 10/4; 3/10-18,[19]; _ Ioan 16/8-12,(13-15); 8/(21),23-29;
_ < >.
= Cu stima. -Mesia.
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Deletethere , palestine west bank on world map.
try save some fish, instead of complain about other people's brains.
fish have other fish as friends, they are very smart for baby-fish.
why baby-fish swim in flocks?
they have friends, recognize and appreciate what God has made.
... _ :
DeleteIf you are Jesus Christ's second coming, why are you upset with me?
_ <<< [_ Yes. I am very upset because you do not hear Me and do not listen to Me (as it is written / corroborated) _ 1 Corinthians 14/21; Deuteronomy 18 / 15,18; Acts 3/22; Matthew 12 / 18-21; _ Exit / Exodus / Exodus 3/14; 4/1, - (10), 11-16, and because you do not have faith, or because you do not hear my word (see) - Isaiah 6/8, (9-12), [13] Romans 10/17, [18-20], therefore, it can be said that "you are dead, neither see Me, nor hear Me" (as it is written) - Revelation 3: 1; _ 1 John 5/12; _ Ecclesiastes 9/5; ] >>>
speak speak hundreds, all you say is "you don't understand need snake brain"
<<< [??? !!!!!!!] >>>
Jesus first time speak about gardening, let me guess, you don't like gardening. too poor. no dirt where you are. all metal?
I am "the seed" Luke 8 / 5-8, [15] I am the "Holy Shallow." Isaiah 6: 8,13 I am the Lamb, Revelation 5: 1-9, I am "Lord of the Lords and Emperor of the Emperors" - Revelation 17/14; I am "Alpha and Omega" - Revelation 1/8; 21/6; 22/13, I am "The roots and seed of David, the bright morning glory" - Revelation 22/16, now being only the dawn of the 7th of the "Making Man" (corroborating) - Matthew 17: 1-5; _ John 7/37; _ Genesis [1/31]; 2/1; ... & ... [Daniel 12 / 1,3, (4,9), 10, ... - Do you understand? _ Romani 11/8; _ Deuteronomy 29/4] >>>.
that verse "Jesus and Yahovah" are Palestine's westbank on the world map.
amazing aye,
_ <<< [I do not understand what you meant by: - * "Jesus and Yahovah" are Palestine's westbank on the world map. *,
because these specifications are not in the Scriptures / Bible] >>>
thank God for the blessing of God above.
Anonymous Anonymous September 25, 2018 at 21:40;+Matthew+23:37;&version=NRSV;NTLR
there , palestine west bank on world map.
try save some fish, instead of complain about other people's brains.
fish have other fish as friends, they are very smart for baby-fish.
_ <<< [I am "Fish" and I'm out, come, raised from "Pisces" / "Pisces Constellation" _ Matthew 1 / 18-21; _ Galatians 4/4.] >>>
why baby-fish swim in flocks?
they have friends, recognize and appreciate what God has made.
_ <<< [I did not understand the phrase, or maybe it is "a parable / parable" but it is not in the Bible;] >>>.
= With a little dear. -Messiah.
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Deletego look up on "Jesus in the clouds".
Deleteand apologize to Jesus for trying to tempt us brown-skin humans with your devilish Gheorghe=Emperor Domitian idolatry.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYou should learn about proper Christianity. why we all eat the bread and the wine.
Deletewhy we all claim to have the same righteous innocence of Jesus Christ.
Even the pagans whom the europeans destroyed and burnt at the stake for their GOLD and MONEY. believed in what Jesus Christ himself alone 2000 years ago, taught.
In 1323, they asked the new ruler of Culhuacan, Achicometl, for his daughter, in order to make her the goddess Yaocihuatl. Unknown to the king, the Mexicah actually planned to sacrifice her. The Mexicah believed that by doing this the princess would join the gods as a deity. As the story goes, during a festival dinner, a priest came out wearing her flayed skin as part of the ritual. Upon seeing this, the king and the people of Culhuacan were horrified and expelled the Mexicah.
call your romanian brothers and sisters back home from their foreign conquered lands.
"come out of babylon" .