The garden path to the internet
Signpost: Welcome new user, to the computer world. What happens when hours and hours are spent by thousands of people doing mundane things? Well for a start, we get condensed versions of truth. Hours spent converting CD music to mp3 and months spent downloading mp3 songs led to the knowledge that 96kbps is smaller in memory and still pretty good quality, while 256 kbps is perfect quality but hugely wasteful for memory. Anything less or more is extraneous to human ears. 44000hz is fine. But I feel like I have to atleast show you how I grew into the computer world, from getting a PC in school holidays to play 3d games, to playing on LAN with gamers just before gaming became e-sports. I'll index these memoirs chronologically, atleast, in order of reality and not in writing. First toy My first toy was a computer that asked questions, like spelling questions. If you typed in the correct word, it would say "yes, you are right. Find the answer to question _3_" ...