Spatial, Temporal and Logarithmic Dimensions of Genesis 1 "said" Formula in Holy Bible.
"God said" as formula for that creation's capabilities within the corresponding dimension.
Let us look at Holy Bible's Genesis 1 and how the creation specified pertains to a dimension.
Spatial dimensions | |||
1st dimension | 2nd dimension | 3rd dimension | |
Temporal dimensions | |||
4th dimension | 5th dimension | 6th dimension | |
Word/Logarithmic dimensions | |||
why words as dimensions | Christ's New commandment | ||
7th dimension | 8th dimension | 9th dimension | 10th dimension |
11th dimension |
5. For first of all he framed in it formless matter, as a substance capable of receiving all forms. He next, by the power of the number two, imparted quality to matter, and gave beauty to that which before was void of all grace. Again, by means of the number three, he framed a body compounded of matter and form, and presenting the three dimensions of breadth, and length, and depth. Then, from the doubling of the number two, he devised the quaternion of the elements, earth, water, air, and fire, and ordained them to be everlasting sources for the supply of this universe. Again, the number four produces the number ten. For the aggregate of one, and two, and three, and four, is ten. And three multiplied with ten discovers the period of a month: and twelve successive months complete the course of the sun. Hence the revolutions of years, and changes of the seasons, which give grace, like variety of color in painting, to that eternity which before was formless and devoid of beauty, for the refreshment and delight of those whose lot it is to traverse therein the course of life.
1 Dimensional
Genesis 1-3 (esv) And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.The Part of the light, which is fundamental to our scientific 'understanding' of light is a photon's wavelength. The wavelength is the sole independant variable in many functions and relations describing light.
c = λ * f (speed of light = wavelength times frequency )
E = hc/λ (Photon's Energy = Plank's Constant times speed of light divided by wavelength ) .
λ = h / p (de brooglie's wavelength = Plank's Constant divided by momentum)
Refraction within a prism or any semi-transparent substance is dependent on only the wavelength and the substance's refractive index. An example of refraction is a straw in a cup of water, and the straw seems to bend at the surface of the water.
Every colour of light (blue , purple, red, yellow, etc) is different due to colour's wavelength.
The wavelength is key in observing the galaxies (redshift) as modern athiestic science approximates the distance of galaxies by the truely observed wavelength.
and individual elements (Element signatures of "Emission and absorption spectra").
Consider how far light can travel, from the further distance known to mankind, light travels. these distances are a key idea of numbers and x-axis dimension.
Light is everywhere.. Where is light? Everywhere outside of atoms, inbetween atoms.
In any place in outerspace you might recieve light from a star reaching that point of observation. We can deduce this factoid of light's omnipresence, from the fact that 1D objects in geometry, are the foundational components of every higher-dimensional object.
2 Dimensional
Genesis 1-6 (esv)And God said, “Let there be an expansea in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.”
Two dimensionality in mathematics is:
x-axis and y- axis,
two algebraic variables.
in 3D Geometry: surfaces or planes with infinite width, infinite length and infinitesimal height but using topology to translate into 2D geometry, only the surface's height and width of the object matters (at a particular vantage of the object's aspect).
So looking at the text of Genesis 1-6, there is clouds of water above the "expanse", which can be our Y variable; Y = quantity of cloud-surface.
And water below the "expanse" which is seas and perhaps ice, so that can be our X variable; X = quantity of liquid surface.
Ok, so from studying the water cycle, you know that clouds let down rain when the clouds get high, cold and dirty enough. That rain forms into rivers and springs. The rivers then flow into the Seas. And from both rivers and seas, the heat of the sun and atmospheric heat causes water at the surface of the liquid-body to evaporate and rise towards the clouds. Thus completing a continuous cycle.
However, God doesn't judge this creation as good. What happens in a fictional situation if the all the water evaporates into clouds and there are no seas, or all the clouds condense and there are no clouds. Such a fictional situation would be completely catastrophic to such an extent that the seas would never thaw nor the clouds condense.
Also consider that science understands the evaporation and condensation as an result of heat and pressure. yet in the passage God says that He seperated the waters above from waters below so we should bear in mind that heat or pressure , heat's kenetic energy and the bodies of associated molecules are God's doing. This is similar to fire which we remember God through the burning Bush in Exodus 3.
3 Dimensional
Genesis 1-9 (esv) < br> And God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so.3D space in mathematics is:
x-axis, y-axis and z-axis
infinite height, infinite width and infinite length
it is measured as volume in litres or gallons
The entire surface of the world is either dry land or water. A map of the whole world shows this amazingly terse fact. Everyday life tells us that 3D space is the world we live in, and truely the whole world's lands and seas should be considered for it's length and breadth and height. the highest mountain or the widest sea or the longest river.
4 Dimensional
Genesis 1-11 (esv) < br> And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so.Time is seen when something moves or changes.
Time is observed as that change occurs between the first state of matter in space and last state of the matter in a space. Time is measured in units of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.
In science, time is the realm of physics. According to calculus, 4D is many copies of the space, organized according to some linear function.
[m =< t =< n]f(x(t),y(t),z(t))*dt which is a timeline between hour M and hour N
Trees are the first creations on earth which have cells and DNA. A tree generally has wooden branches, green leaves and sexual flowers. Any stem (branch) of any tree has a cellular layer of cambium tissue. Large branches with hard-bark have a 2 cell layer of cambium tissue under the bark. And green-branched shrubs have the cambium tissue in the center of the stem.
Cellular Mitosis
The tree grows a tiny little bit every time a cell duplicates itself.
A cell is a bubble of liquified chemicals that defies gravity to be a bubble and not a puddle. A cell has volume. Cells are designed to create a cell as a copy of themselves (that is a newer and younger cell) in the "mitosis" process.
Each time this mitosis happens, the tree increases in volume by 1 cell.
The cambium layer is just one-cell-thick layer of cambium cells and the cambium cells undergo mitosis, giving the appearance of a two- cell-thick cambium layer. In woody branches, the cambium tissue wraps around the branch under the bark. The old cambium cell is inwardly and turns into wood, and the new cambium cell is outwardly, nearest the bark. the woody cells are dead and don't grow.
The meristematic stems are the new leaf shoots, that grow. Leaves grow to a certain size and shape, however it happens, maybe the atmosphere gets too heavy on the leaf, the holy bible says Paul plants, Apollos waters, but God gives the increase.
scientists now understand that in order to comprehend DNA, they must view it in a 4-dimensional fashion, since DNA unfurls itself within each cell exposing parts of DNA at different times.
an individual tree, is perfectly 4-dimensional. in any sense of the word, from many different aspects and qualities. Not only does it increase in cells, with time. But the history of the dead cells is preserved as "wood". AND it remains in the same place on the earth, so the same place can be observed again and again. but there is no 'motion' with respect to location on land.
5 Dimensional
Genesis 1:14,15 (esv) < br> 14And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons,(appointed times) and for days and years, 15and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth.” And it was so.5D space in mathematics is:
a realm where there are many 4D timelines .
In calculus, there are many 4D timelines that are organised in some logical fashion. (Within a time-range between two points of time , there are multiple 'timelines') which means the same period of time (in one particular place) can have different events . Which allows one to describe 'freedom of choice' or allows the description of multiple worlds today .
Remember that 3D can encompass all the whole outerspace ,
And 4D object (timeline) is necessarily an infinite number of copies of that 3D space, one copy of the galaxy for each splitsecond moment of time.
in terms of what 4D can describe, 4D is very large.
5D is many of these 4D objects in parallel. There is no space for intersection of reorganisation of these many 4D objects in 5D space, merely their quasi-real potential existence
If a 4D timeline, looks like a 1D line, then 5D is a plain, or woven mat of timelines for threads.
Quantum Physics' uncertainty principle, means that plotting the path of an electron or wavelet results in many "possible" future paths for a single electron at a single time, at the point of observation or interaction. This means that any collision must be predicted as multiple potential futures. (Imagine two billiard balls in outer space colliding. If their exact shape is known then you can work out the reflection and resultant vectors from impact. But if the ball's furthermost atom has no electron at the further's point of the ball's atom then the collision is slightly different to if it did. the direction of that electron too, might play a part in the direction of the resultant vector.)
The orbits of the earth around the sun, the orbit of the moon around the earth, and the orbit of the stars in relation to the earth, are the perfect example of a 4- dimensional object, where we look at the same 3D space (the solar system and galaxy), at many different times. Though we can expect the moon to continue to spin around the earth, we can not guarantee it, incase a giant asteroid hits the moon, or a rocket explodes on the moon. Then the moon will be pushed slightly out of the orbit that God made on the fourth day of creation. Thus the stars moon and sun are 5-dimensional.
The fact that God perfectly made the orbits of the earth, sun, moon and stars, is why Genesis 1 verse 17 says that "God set" them", because the act of setting them in the skies means setting up their orbits (paths).
Also the word for "lights" in the fourth day of creation, is different in hebrew from the "light" in the first day of creation. It very clearly shows that the sun, the moon, the stars are known to us by their light. On top of that miracle that light from the star reaches earth, is the fact that God perfectly made the orbits of the sun and moon , their sizes, with us humans or with Jesus Christ, in mind. As God knew Jesus Christ would look up at the stars, moon and sun. The sun and moon appear to be the same size, because of their weight and orbital distances from earth, and their diameter is perfect to appear the same size from earth. so that there are "signs" of eclipses.
It is an interesting coincidence that the Moon should so nearly perfectly blot out the Sun, since there is really no physical reason why this has be the case. The Moon happens to be about 400 times smaller than the Sun, but the Sun happens to be about 400 times further from the Earth than the Moon is. So simple geometry tells us that the apparent disk of the Moon is almost exactly the size of the apparent disk of the Sun. Of course this match is not always quite the same, the Earth orbits the Sun in a modestly non- circular, elliptical, path and so our nearest and furthest distances (perihelion and aphelion) differ by about 3.3%. And the Moon's orbit has a roughly 10% difference between its near and far point to us, so the precise degree of total solar eclipse will vary a little as the apparent sizes of Sun and Moon vary. This Sunday the distance variations conspire to make the Moon appear 94.4% the size of the Sun.< br> Concerning God's love for you, when G-d created the creations of the fourth day with you in mind. Psalms 19-4 talks about a tent being prepared "for the sun".
There are 4 sides to the tents that Moses built as the temple- structure. And there are 4 seasons, due to the oval orbit of the earth around the sun.
The oval orbit is merely mathematical, but there is another fact of the earth's orbit which proves that God planned and accomplished the earth's yearly orbit.
The Earth sits on it's orbital plane, at an axial-angle of 27degrees. And this means that the earth experiences seasons as the sunlight hits different parts of the earth at different angles as the axial-tilt moves with respect to the sun.
The Axial-tilt on it's own could be a random occurance. The oval (elliptical) orbit of the earth around the sun could be a random occurance.
But the axial-tilt is at it's maximum tilt during the southern-hemisphere's summer, and the earth's oval orbit is closest to the sun at the southern-hemisphere's summer. So God perfectly planned and prepared the orbits of the earth, to provide the seasons. As God said at the time of Noah's Covenant (Genesis 8- 22).
20Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and took some of every clean animal and some of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar. 21And when the LORD smelled the pleasing aroma, the LORD said in his heart, “I will never again cursea the ground because of man, for the intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I ever again strike down every living creature as I have done. 22While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”Five dimensions is multiple copies of timelines, in essence, multiple wholy-complete worlds. So consider what we see when we look at the stars. we modern people think we are looking at distant suns, and because they are distant suns, distant planets just like earth.
though people will lie and say because earth is very special and rare, it is unlikely that there are many planets just like earth. Claiming to have some statistical knowledge.
6 Dimensional
Genesis 1:20 (esv) < br> And God said, “Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.”6 dimensionality gives you the ability to evade causality and evade inevitability, and cause for yourself the future-situation that you plan for. 6 dimensional space in mathematics, is considered as:
the triple-integral of 3-dimensional space
OR the double-integral of a 4-dimensional time line
OR the integral of a 5-dimensional plane of multiple timelines.
Imagine there is a creature, at time = 12:01PM in 1 meter of water at the beach. If moved to it's left, then at 12:02PM, it is 2 meters from the beach. And if it moved to it's right, then at 12:02PM it is 10 centimeters from the beach.
That sentence shows 2 futures for one moment of the fish, two five dimensional futures.
This is because time's 4th dimension is viewed as a 1 Dimensional line, where each 0-dimensional dot on the line is a copy of a particular 3D space. So 5 dimensions are known as parallel universes, though only the one 4D timeline is the real history.
6-dimensions is used to move a parallel universe into the place of the real universe. 6-dimensional space is the "phase space" above the 5-dimensional plane of alternate futures.
In describing one particular situation (such as the collision of a electron with a photon), five dimensions is used to describe the many possible futures of that colission. the five-dimensional object must be organised so it has a 3D situation, and many 4D- timelines. This together, a star, is a 5-dimensional object.
Using the principles of Calculus' integration, 6- dimensional object is many of these 5-dimensional objects. These 5-Dimensional objects are organised in relation to each other.
Using a real world example of the electron getting collided by a photon, 6- Dimensionality is used for multiple photons, which occur one after the other. This is because multiple colissions require multiple 5-dimensional constructs, which are ordered according to time.
This means that all possible futures are describable in 6- dimensional realm.
apparent discrepancy and explanations if you look at what (sometimes-athiestic) scientific articles and blogs says about the fifth dimension, you will find it is colloquially used to explain all possible futures. But i just said all possible futures is described by 6-dimensions (many sequential moments, where each 'moment' has multiple possible futures). here is a video on fifth dimensions, and it says "all possible futures", using the star-like network i just described for 6- dimensions.
Here though The video describes 6-the dimension and correctly says that it is the path or "phase space" within which one "inevitable world Future", is changed or swapped with another alternative world future. A 6D realm which enables "dreams" to become reality.
This is like a person who looks at a book, a 3D book, which is made of many 2D pages, and each page is made of many 1D paper fibres. The person looks at the book for the first time, and thinks it is made of paper fibres. Surely the book is made of paper fibres. Once he knows the purpose of the book, perhaps learns to read and love God, then he knows there are 2D pages in the book.
Firstly, 5D realm is necessarily alternative futures for the whole world, just as 3D realm is the whole universe. and a 5D object which is the product of integration
[m <= f <= n] f(x(f),y(f),z(f),t(f))df
according to some function/relationship, is many futures
that spring from a single event that is enabled to be
random in it's outcome, even simply for the purposes of
observation, like gambling once at a casino.Secondly, in confusion, perhaps FiveD is multiple timelines, but each timeline has it's own 4D history, so that one 4D_moment on 5Dtimeline_B's leads to the second 4D moment, and this 4D moment on 5Dtimeline_B translates directly to 4Dtimeline, This means that there is no distant future outside the inevitable 4D timeline, and that 5D timelines belong only to the single moment.
If you were to link one 5D moment_B's future_A to another 5D moment_Z, and 5D moment_B's future_C to another 5D moment_Y ;
and Then at 4Dtimeline point B+0 is 5D moment B, and at 4Dtimeline point B+1 is both 5D moment Y and Z .
Lets say you have a copy of this world, in your head. that makes your head 5D, because a concurrent 4D situation exists parallel to the reality. In my brain's imagination, I rearrange various things into different configurations, such as planks into a table with legs.
for each "moment in time", i assign a thing in matter and space, to be moved into a different space. Thus for each plank of my new table, i have planned a moment for it to be part of the assembly. First the legs are built to various specifications, then the top. For each moment where i move a plank into place, i have futures where i hit the nail and futures where i miss the nail and hit something else. If i hit my hand with the hammer i will go inside.
Thus in building the table, i have taken planks which would 4Dimensionalistically inevitably sit on the shed-floor until they rot, and picked a 5D alternate future where there is a table made out of planks. and then i made a 6D plan and did that plan to make the table.
the plan is not merely 5D but an integration of many 5D moments.
or is it? i shall continue explaining Genesis 1 as though i'm right , because 6D agrees in the video with me, but 5D in the video oversteps it's bounds.
Consider birds. When a bird is flying in the air: Does it act with multiple stages, or with a single moment at a time? If a Bird is hunting from the air, does it spot it's target and go directly for it or achieve some previous manouvre and contruct something before catching it? If the Bird is in the air, it acts with single moment at a time, 5-dimensionally. But when it is on the ground, A bird does all sorts of things, like build nests, have families, and even use rocks to crack open shells. This is because of the media within which the creatures live. water and air are the same, they are fluid and not stable. whilst land is stable, and a creature can orient itself securely. Sea creatures use the sea-bed to achieve long-term goals: Octopuses carry tools and shells around on the sea-floor. worms dig burrows and whales mate when they get beached. But fish swim at any moment going left or right. A fish may go in a complete circle, or do an about-turn. In a school of fish they each follow the ones closest to be observed.
long term futures and immediate futures. there's probably more miracles concerning lmoving creatures
Words? as dimension, when x-axis is numbers?
Let's consider what are dimensions.
Dimensions define the position and thus existence of some physical thing such as matter in space.
dimensions are used to define or describe a key part of something's existence.
Thus dimensions of calculus or geometry or physics, can be called dimensions of existence. the 5D and 6D temporal dimensions describe things which don't or do exist.
The act of speaking (wayyomar or lamar) is to describe something.
So both speaking describes something, and dimensions are used to describe something.
Words describe things.
Logos in greek is the "idea of a word", though logos translates to 'word'. this concept of logos as a word's idea , is easily understand when you consider the other greek word for "word" which is "rhema", meaning spoken word. In the Holy Bible "word of God" is a translation from spoken word. This means a word which is communicated. Logos is A word without a speaker nor intention-in-usage.
Here in this video , using the numerical values of hebrew alphabet in Genesis 1-1 and the numerical values of greek alphabet in John 1-1, using the formula :
(number of the letters * product of the letters )
(number of words * product of the words) Genesis 1-1 shows an approximation of pi. (perhaps).
while John 1-1 shows an approximation of Natural-e. (perhaps)
both these numbers are known as dimensionless numbers.
Pi transcends all 3 geometric spatial dimensions concerning 2D circles and 3D spheres.
and e^x = f(x) , means that d(f)/dx = f
(the integration and differentiation of the function of e^x equals the function itself even though integration or differentiation did in fact occur. )
consider how a word as an object, when if the dimensional realm is 7D divinely obeyed commandments, or 8D knowledge, or 9D languages, how the word used, especially the logos(meaning of a word) as different from rhema (communicated word), the logos remains the same. as it gets integrated through the stated realms. "don't steal" (a logos sentence, in 7D commandments,) remains the same in "don't steal books from library, don't steal chairs from a resteraunt"
In Genesis 1, "God said" is "wayyomar elohim" in hebrew. But when there are blessings the hebrew word for "saying" is "lamar" for God blessed them saying.
22 And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.”
but you'll notice that these moving creatures are loving, just as flowers of trees have 2 genders.
The procreation of these moving creatures, is what Moses wrote in Deuteronomy as "blessings";blessings being the increase in life. The procreation of these moving creatures depends on one creature loving another creature, sexually (eros) . This means two things:
One: that all moving creatures for which it takes two creatures to procreate, love one another as themselves. This is Jesus' "new" commandment.
Two: Each "saying" (lamar in hebrew) is equal to "said" (wayyomar in hebrew), because the 7th dimension is the start of the logarithmic dimensions.
7th dimensional objects are Perfectly Obeyed laws which define a certain sets of many possible distant-futures.
We must reconcile this occurance of "lamar" a present tense verb "Saying", with the "wayyomar" past tense verb "said", concerning the enumeration of dimensions. Whilst it would be the Normal thing to define the 7th dimensional object as the 10 commandments that God spoke from Mount Sinai, we wouldn't have sins if the 10 commandments were perfectly obeyed. Because the 10 commandments are words, that do define the future, in the same way that the word "tree" defines any tree, in the future or past, which is fictional or non-fictional.
If "saying" is included with "said" in enumerating dimensions, we get 12 dimensions, which will require understanding the "Apocryphon of Saint John" (see: , the realms of "love" and "truth", which interpreted as jealousy translates to gravity, love or truth could be logical axioms. upon which the whole universe in could be built. (in other words 12th dimension according to Apocryphon of St John, is different applications of character "=" equal sign, (love is transformation z = f(x) or truth is 2 = 2)
Christ's "new commandment" is just that: "new". If the truth of "new" is upheld, then Christ's commandment is a present tense "new" or in historical context present tense in 34A.D, and thus to the reader of Genesis during 34A.D, the present tense of "saying" applies to new things too, even though "blessed" is past-tense, which places that action (of blessing) in that particular day of creation.
Christ's new commandment (to love one another as Jesus loved you ) is definately the blessedness of all the blessings given, because the New Commandment (to love one another) is %100 true for all reproduction of life created in the week of creation.
Consider the blessedness this way: God blessed the fifth day's creatures, and the sixth day's creatures, and then the seventh day itself is blessed, so what ever the seventh day represents it pertains to the creatures' blessedness. Each day of creation represents the 'dimensional context' within which the creation is viewed with the intention of understanding the creation's goodness.
Even if 10 commandments are 7 dimensional object, and in the holy bible only the 10 commandments refer to the seventh day of creation,
and also the creatures of the sixth day are capable of seventh dimensionality, the creatures of the fifth day hardly exhibit compliance with 10 commandments. sure Sharks sometimes bite only once to test which food they shall eat, perhaps that is enough to show compliance with 10 commandments, but certainly Christ's new commandment applies perfectly to all creatures of the fifth and sixth day, and also applies perfectly when you consider their blessedness.
Back to describing the maximum of the sixth dimensional realm, the maximum is all possible permutations-of- possible-motions and futures, every imaginable future, and unimaginable future. and these futures are each of 0 to infinite duration . So if all things in matter, space and time, possible and impossible are describable in 6D, then what is 7D according to integration? how can you have multiples of "all possible and impossible permutations of space,time and matter"? luckily for us, deducing this is as easy as reading the Lord the God's Holy Bible.
7 Dimensional
Genesis 1:24 (esv) < br> And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds—livestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds.” And it was so.7D is the start of word dimensions. one word "everything" describes the whole universe at a particular moment or all things contained in any smaller space.
7D is the start of word dimensions. for this we must stretch past human's science and have faith in God's holy bible.
Seventh dimensional object is the 10 commandments found in Exodus 20. and you can see that the creatures of land, have parents , from whom they honour and learn from. monkeys learn how to use rocks from their parents, birds learn about nests , lambs know their mother's smell.
Animals know which is their property: a dog has it's bone, a spider has it's web , a bee has it's hive.
animals fear death, and flee the killers.
Saint Paul believed we should preach to every creature.
8 Dimensional
Genesis 1:26 (esv) < br> Then God said, “Let us make manh in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.In remembering the blessings of the fifth day, this verse of mankind is then the 9th D, but this is the 8th time that God Said "wayyomar" happened.
How do we deduce the 8th dimension object and realm as the integral of 7th dimensional objects?
The x^n Dimensional integral is many different copies in organisation , which preserve the original x^(n-1) Dimensional object.
so we have to agree, concerning the holy bible, that the seventh dimensional object is the 10 commandments. and that the 10 commandments describe what is not allowed in all possible futures and what is allowed.
the commandments are a set of laws, each law defines possible futures. the set of laws constitutes one object . To integrate a 7D law which in the dimension of words, we should describes different ways to keep that law.
So many 8D laws (sentences whose meanings are prohibition or allowances) are integrated from 1 7D law. so there are lots of ways to explain the 10 commandment's law to not kill ,
such as don't kill pigs, don't kill humans, don't have high buildings which people can fall off. et cetera.
So it is common knowledge that the Pharisees who judged the hosts of Jesus, had laws which "circumscribed and hedged around" the 10 commandments.
The Mishvah are the 613 laws are found through examining the first five books of the Holy Bible that Moses wrote.
In fact the Laws which Moses wrote, the laws and the statutes are a form of governance, theocratic governance where God at the start of civilisation spoke those laws to Moses.
But if you look at the history of Moses, you will see, that before he wrote laws, Jethro (his father-in-law) asked Moses to appoint captains (judges) over the people, to resolve civil disputes. Then the laws arrived seemingly to provide fair jurisprudence amongst the various judges. instead of fairness being gauged by Moses' mana, judgements according to Moses alone.
So the laws of Moses, and the pharisaic laws, were governmental laws. This means that all governmental laws , i.e: after Israel appointed kingship of David and modern foreign government laws, are also 8- dimensional.
Now consider what all laws in the world have in common.
Consider what is "knowledge of Good and Evil", which God prohibited Adam and Eve from.
All the laws in the world can be found, even secular laws, by the knowledge of good and evil.
That's a big step. for which one should feel sceptical. So I shall provide historical evidence that the governmental laws of Moses, are integrally related to the 10 commandments (also called "decalogue" from Exodus 20).
The ten Words imply all mitzvot While in the Middle Ages this manner of treatment became fairly general, the earliest attempt to classify and group the mitzvot under the general headings of the Decalogue is by Philo. Grouping the laws of the Torah under the generalized headings of the Decalogue is seen as an integral aspect of the traditional view of Torah as a whole. What God expressed must be all embracing, perfect and complete and should be intelligible without addition.
In other books of the Bible similar references are made to the performance on the Sabbath-day of what was considered work; but nowhere is the term "work" in relation to the Sabbath strictly defined and circumscribed. The Rabbis, however, with their love for legal precision, laid down strict rules for the Sabbath, always endeavoring to find a Scriptural basis for their assertions. Classes of Prohibited Work. The Mishnah (Shab. vii. 2) enumerates thirty-nine classes ("abot" = "fathers") of work prohibited on the Sabbath. These are: sowing, plowing, reaping, gathering into sheaves, thrashing, winnowing, cleansing, grinding, sifting, kneading, and baking; shearing, bleaching, beating, and dyeing wool; spinning, making a warp, making two thrum-threads, weaving two threads, splitting two threads, tying, untying, sewing two stitches, tearing in order to sew two stitches;
If you think about 7D and 8D long enough, you'll agree that all government laws, morality (or agreed upon morality) is knowledge of good and evil. or rather that a part of knowledge of good and evil, leads to government laws.
and for intents and purposes, government laws are knowledge. So that the fact that a rose has thorns, means that a 'moral' is known, to not heavily touch thorns.
Remember the story of Adam and Eve. They were given a law to keep: "do not eat of that tree of knowledge of good and evil", if they kept that law, they would obey God completely, but if they disobeyed, the apparent punishment is that they must establish laws according to knowledge which they will inevitably keep.
So we have here on the sixth day, no the occurance of the fall, but that God gave the creature the ability or capability to 'have' knowledge, but not the permission. Just as the moon is not permitted to leave it's orbit, though it is 5 dimensional with multiple possible paths in it's future, it is supposed to keep it one and only 4- Dimensional path in time.
We will understand what is the purpose, when we get to looking at the rest of the formula in Genesis 1, such as "Good", and "day".
This particular topic, of 8th dimension within the sixth day, is a factor which could contribute to day-age theorist who see human history contained within the 6th day. This abandons the same faith which Moses and Joshua and co had when they were writing Genesis. Aside from athiestic science which wrongly assumes redshift's unaccounted-for- shifting is due to universal expansion (and not "undefined interference"), it is better to know that capability doesn't not equate to actuality.
9 Dimensional
Genesis 1:28 (esv) < br> And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”8th dimension is knowledge. knowledge is words which describe everything, and all factors of everything.
So, how can we possibly integrate "knowledge" ? well we record knowledge with language, and there are many languages, thanks to God when God made languages in Genesis 11.
We can look at why the blessedness, comes here in relation to multiple languages. we can look at this second blessedness of this verse in relation to the second curse in Genesis, as part of the 5 pairs of blessings and curses.
We know in Genesis 11, that God saw the futures of a united Mankind, and that languages were created to change the future of mankind. So we instantly see that God's intervention and dismantling of the Babel-Civilisation, was a blessing. We know that there are lots of pyramids around the world built according to science in the 3000B.C. - 2000B.C. millenium. Pyramids in Egypt, China, America, and the hypothetical "visoko" pyramid in Bosnia, Europe.
The story of Abraham And Sarah, can be viewed as the redemption of the story of Babel, in the sense that what babel did for themselves, Abraham tried to do for God.
This is very interestingly true, coincidentally convincing truths that everyone should know. it's the first page and first few chapters of the oldest book in modern civilisation .
10 Dimensional
Genesis 1:29-30 (esv) < br> And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. 30And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so.9th dimensional is languages, a set of 9th dimensional objects is multiple languages (9th dimensional objects). each language object is describing knowledge or governmental laws (8 dimensional objects), where these laws in turn describe the 10 commandments. and the 10 commandments describe many possible futures and each future describes the timeline of the whole world or the future of one particular thing.
so what are many languages which are used?
how do we integrate in the realm of words, the dimension of languages?
Many languages can be recorded on different forms of Media.
rocks can be used to engrave in multiple languages, all the knowledge .
wooden carving can be used to engrave knowledge of everything in many different languages. paper, screens,
perhaps it relates to Moses, Perhaps it relates to Abraham , i don't know at this moment, I do know that this dimension of media concept, makes sense with the actual verse, that God has given fruit for humans to eat, and leaves for animals to eat. God gives green herbs for all creatures to eat.
this is very important, something we neglect in society until a certain age, perhaps because of the vigilance of raising a healthy child.
Why did God give humans fruit and animals leaves? because humans are smart enough to wisely sow the seeds inside fruit. that is like being entrusted with the seeds of life. Literally.
11th dimensional Aeons.
Greater than many earths describing every possible futuristic scenario, and every possible earth and it's history to be described by every 7D divine law and every pansophic body of knowledge and then all the bodies of knowledge being replicated by many languages, greater than this set of 'worlds ', is what shapes all knowledge and all laws which then shapes all earth, and this is the Aeons created by Jesus the light who is the Father and God of Gods.
"Grace, truth and form"
"conception, perception and memory
"understanding, love and idea
perfection, peace and wisdom
we as people having to think deeply about these, and it is necessary to think deeply on these to overcome the beast and babylon who has 7 heads and 10 crowns. consider how gravity is like jealousy between matter
so that because God is a jealous God whose name is jealous. then if gravity is jealousy in a dichotomous world of matter and spacetime (Genesis 1-1) and love is jealousy, to the unloved or unrequited love then what about truth? how does a world built on truth look like, rather than a world built on love.
well love means to 1) be like 2) emulate/copy in some way 3) transform in peace and likeness
the truth means 1) x = x, and love means x = y*n
so truth is a realm where gravity doesn't work but matter remains where it is.
that is a completely different sort of universe to our own.
physics says there are 11 dimensional objects called super-strings, and modern physics conflate 5D and 6D and then say 6D is 'knowledge of different big bangs parameters
of the time of writing this post update (sept2018), the secular scientists who ignore Genesis 1, say that the Cosmic microwave background radiation can show CCC theory of cyclical big bangs which allows the scientists to atheistically publicize any big bang scenario because they ignore the light-affecting-light situation of unknown-ness.
anyway... praise to God Jesus , Amen.
Apocryphon of Saint John:
And the invisible, virginal Spirit placed the divine Autogenes of truth over everything. And he subjected to him every authority, and the truth which is in him, that he may know the All which had been called with a name exalted above every name. For that name will be mentioned to those who are worthy of it.
"For from the light, which is the Christ, and the indestructibility, through the gift of the Spirit the four lights (appeared) from the divine Autogenes. He expected that they might attend him. And the three (are) will, thought, and life. And the four powers (are) understanding, grace, perception, and prudence. And grace belongs to the light-aeon Armozel, which is the first angel. And there are three other aeons with this aeon: grace, truth, and form. And the second light (is) Oriel, who has been placed over the second aeon. And there are three other aeons with him: conception, perception, and memory. And the third light is Daveithai, who has been placed over the third aeon. And there are three other aeons with him: understanding, love, and idea. And the fourth aeon was placed over the fourth light Eleleth. And there are three other aeons with him: perfection, peace, and wisdom. These are the four lights which attend the divine Autogenes, (and) these are the twelve aeons which attend the son of the mighty one, the Autogenes, the Christ, through the will and the gift of the invisible Spirit. And the twelve aeons belong to the son of the Autogenes. And all things were established by the will of the holy Spirit through the Autogenes.
"And from the foreknowledge of the perfect mind, through the revelation of the will of the invisible Spirit and the will of the Autogenes,perfect Man (appeared), the first revelation, and the truth. It is he whom the virginal Spirit called Pigera-Adamas, and he placed him over the first aeon with the mighty one, the Autogenes, the Christ, by the first light Armozel; and with him are his powers. And the invisible one gave him a spiritual, invincible power. And he spoke and glorified and praised the invisible Spirit, saying, 'It is for thy sake that everything has come into being and everything will return to thee. I shall praise and glorify thee and the Autogenes and the aeons, the three: the Father, the Mother, and the Son, the perfect power.'
"And he placed his son Seth over the second aeon in the presence of the second light Oriel. And in the third aeon the seed of Seth was placed over the third light Daveithai. And the souls of the saints were placed (there). And in the fourth aeon the souls were placed of those who do not know the Pleroma and who did not repent at once, but who persisted for a while and repented afterwards; they are by the fourth light Eleleth. These are creatures which glorify the invisible Spirit.
"And the Sophia of the Epinoia, being an aeon, conceived a thought from herself and the conception of the invisible Spirit and foreknowledge. She wanted to bring forth a likeness out of herself without the consent of the Spirit, - he had not approved - and without her consort, and without his consideration. And though the person of her maleness had not approved, and she had not found her agreement, and she had thought without the consent of the Spirit and the knowledge of her agreement, (yet) she brought forth. And because of the invincible power which is in her, her thought did not remain idle, and something came out of her which was imperfect and different from her appearance, because she had created it without her consort. And it was dissimilar to the likeness of its mother, for it has another form.
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