
Showing posts from July 14, 2019

Get to know the Koura. Biological information.

The freshwater crayfish genus “Paranephrops” is native to New Zealand only. They're similar to other small crayfish species found world-wide. Cute little crayfish with souls (self-aware minds) created by the eternal God of Israel. Page Contents: Locality Food Body size Water qualities Breeding Anti-predator behaviour Cultural considerations Shops & Economics Locality within New Zealand Koura are “not threatened” (being found in %20 of sites). Species_surveys taken in Lake Okoru produced 0 sample size, and lake Rewawhakaaitu caught koura for survey of 70 sample size. There are zero koura recorded in the Whakatane (Tamahine-a-Hine-Mataroa River) and the Waioeka-Gorge Rivers, But there are koura recorded in the Motu and Rangitaiki River systems. “It is envisaged that kōura in the inflowing tributary will provide a source of recruitment for the lakes when water quality conditions improve.” Better not interfere with their scientific research into water quality."...