Get to know the Koura. Biological information.
The freshwater crayfish genus “Paranephrops” is native to New Zealand only. They're similar to other small crayfish species found world-wide. Cute little crayfish with souls (self-aware minds) created by the eternal God of Israel. Page Contents: Locality Food Body size Water qualities Breeding Anti-predator behaviour Cultural considerations Shops & Economics Locality within New Zealand Koura are “not threatened” (being found in %20 of sites). Species_surveys taken in Lake Okoru produced 0 sample size, and lake Rewawhakaaitu caught koura for survey of 70 sample size. There are zero koura recorded in the Whakatane (Tamahine-a-Hine-Mataroa River) and the Waioeka-Gorge Rivers, But there are koura recorded in the Motu and Rangitaiki River systems. “It is envisaged that kōura in the inflowing tributary will provide a source of recruitment for the lakes when water quality conditions improve.” Better not interfere with their scientific research into water quality."...