Understanding Lumens, Lux and LightBulbs
How to stand under and under stand Your plant's lights All the colours of light that humans see, are the same light that plants use to make photosynthesis. This light has two names, it is called "visible light" and P.A.R (Photosynthetically Active Radiation). This is because, our eyes, like Eternal Father Noah's, are organic, and leaves are organic. We are all organic :) . Organizing your Light bulbs to simulate the shady sunshine is simple, just add lots of lightbulbs to a light festoon rig. Learning about units of light will teach you about how science only describes how you observe and manipulate the world, not the perfect truth. The different measuring units of light are "lux units" , "candela units" and "lumen units" . The sun shines on plants with 10,000 to 100,000 lux of light, (depending on cloud). So simply, work out how many bulbs you need: Step 1: check the cheapest infloresense screw a...