Small Aquaponics Kit with Portable wicking bags.
Continuous-flow Aquaponics Kit with wicking bags for individual plants. Plan with Actionable metrix where appropriate . [Grow Bed ] = [Table] = [Fish Tank] [water] = [fish equipment] = [aquatic plants] = [filters] Grow Bed Size The best suggestion is that the biological surface area is large enough for the fish tank. But a less scientific suggestion is that the grow bed media is twice the volume of the fish tank. So knowing that water in fish-tank is never the shop-advertised size (in Liters), The grow bed includes both stones at te bottom for biological filtration, and dirt bags for growing. Shape strainers Holes are drilled at the top lip of all tanks (grow bed and fish tank) parallel to each other hole. Then string or fishing rod thread is tied to the top of the tank, to stop the tank from buckling or twisting out of shape. Drainage Apparatus The Bottom of the grow bed is filled with rocks and water, ...