Jesus' "take up thy cross and Follow Jesus" and "love one another" and Calculus' 1/infinity.

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Love Thy Neighbour

(chapter 1 =
As Mentioned in Chapter 1, For calculus' integration to occur, each individual unit (or person) must be uniformly shaped as the neighbouring units are , and in this way even 2D-strips of "mathematically negligible' geometric objects, obey Christ's commandment to love thy neighbours.
That is to say, in a circle , if the 2D oblong with a length of "Radius" and a width of "1/infinity" were to be placed between the circumference and the 'origin', then for that object to have uniform neighbours and form a 2-dimensional circle, the unit would needs be a triangle with Height equaling "Radius" and Base equaling "1/infinity."

If the unit length (Radius * 1/infinity) were a oblong, it would overlap, and it's neighbours would be eaten away.
 But if the unit length (Radius * 1/infinity) is a triangle, then it fit perfectly side-by-side with other unit lengths.

The Reader pointed out that issues of justice, and obeying the 10 commandments ensure that the people are uniform with each other neighbour, and don't 'infringe' on another person's space. Chapter 1 left off, with an attempt at 3D integration of a sphere, using Radius-height solid cones, but if integration is the same for 1D to 2D (a circumference into a circle) and 2D into 3D (a sphere into a spheroid) , then integration's rule that each 1/infinity unit must be considerate of it's neighbours, applies to higher dimensional objects, and so as believers of the Holy Bible, we have 6-dimensional futures and 7-dimensional laws.

If the 6-dimensional futures from the now present world, create a massive 'temporal tree' of multiple futures, spanning into a huge cone-like blur of 4-dimensional time objects (whole histories side by side like pine-fibres inside a paper book.),
then that one future 'state of the world (not state as in government, but 'state' as in the 3D world at that point in time), out of many in the future possibilities , irrespective of how far into the future it sits, must be one which obeys some sort of axiom into order to arrive at that desired future 'state.'

 The triangle's 2 end x-dimension values {it's (1/infinity) base and it's <1/(infinity*infinity) tip} correspond to the Alpha and Omega semblance of 1/infinity = f(x + 1/infinity ) - f(x); where the tip is Alpha, and Omega is the base , or rather Alpha is the larger view of 1/infinity which is the base, and omega is the zoomed in view of 1/infinity which is the tip. Either way, for the triangle, (as India on the map is a semblance of integration of 1/infinity, where each value of 1/infinity is stacked side by side as 1/infinity gets smaller ) the end point (the tip) is the result of the base unit, trying to 'love thy neighbour' and accomodate its neighbours.
 After all if you are to construct the unit from the circumference looking inwards, the the unit is looking at the community (love thy neighbour as your self), but if you are trying to construct the unit from the origin's center, looking out, then you are expanding to the edges of your limitation (loving God.)

So If it was not NECESSARY for the world-history to run according to some axiom (the 10 commanments of God of Israel and Jesus Christ's new commandments to love one another (Love God and Love Neighbour)), so the that future state  would eventuate (a single future becomes reality out of many possible futures that unaccomplished burn in second-death's lake of fire)
then since we have not arbitrarily selected any future as the 1 future, all futures must necessarily be possible, and thus the future would never be selected.   

In essence, the very freedom of time's temporal futures which all moving creatures (of the Holy Bible's Genesis 1) enjoy, depends then on there existing a axiom (such as 1/infinity = 1/infinity or Love your Neighbour as yourself) that governs and selects the future. 

This truth (love one another) is so true, this God's truth of the Holy Bible shapes the world, and if we like naughty germans would religiously theorize (hypothesize) that a world's future exists with all sins only (say "bear thy cross"), then we would know that the sins were first defined in the minds of us naughty thinkers, defined by the laws which govern reality. 

Why did  Lord Jesus say 'take up thy cross and follow Jesus' ? 

In Lord Jesus' century, the young Jewish men of Israel gathered multiple times a week to study and talk about religion, like a bible-study group. And after Lord Jesus was baptized, the Eternal Father spoke from the skies "this is my beloved son, in Him I Am well pleased" and the Holy Spirit landed on Lord Jesus.   Then Lord Jesus spoke in a synagogue (in Gospel of Luke 4:16-30) and in the Hebrew context, the audience was sarcastically antagonistic of Him. 

In the Hebrew language, Lord Jesus' name is "Yahusha" 

and like how Elisha's name read out to the Hebrew people "My God is salvation" (Eli = my God, Sha = salvation).
So Lord Jesus actually explained Elijah and Elisha to the synagogue that day, and the crowd reacted by trying to throw Jesus off of a cliff. 

So, we can take from Saint Paul's detailed experiences, that As saint Paul tried to get Caesar to exonerate Paul, from death, Lord Jesus gathered many supporters as he walked towards the capital Jerusalem, to exonerate Jesus. 

Now what does that mean?  Well, the worst that could happen, and the higher  authority is what Lord Jesus legally sought out.  It could have gone differently. 
as Jesus said "not my will but your will Father be done." as Jesus fully obeyed every law as though it was all there for helping Jesus. 

In the Roman days, Israel were slaves to Rome, and only Roman citizens could travel outside countries on the Roman Highways. This is why the first apostles were asking for lots of money, and the churches during the times of Paul were not asking for lots of money. Citizenship and the ability to travel outside of your home border cost a lot of money. 
The purchased Citizenship gave the 'right of migration'.  This is why the "roads are paved with gold"

When King Abgarus of the earliest kingdom to be Christian (Edessa) asked Lord Jesus to come to Edessa an hide there, Lord Jesus refused, saying that the apostles would come in his place, once he was lifted up. 
That is what Saint Tomas did. 
The romans were in a habit of 'deifying people' around the exact time of Jesus, and it was the only time the roman democracy would do so. After Jesus' generation, the Roman empire only deified (set as Gods) the caesars who were deified in Jesus' time. Bishop Eusebius recorded that caesar heard of Jesus and wanted the senate to deify him as he was. Jesus is much greated than any head of state, Lord Jesus is still alive in the clouds 2000 years later, as Holy Spirit. If Jesus did want the Rome to deify him (as devil tempted him), and as Caesar Constantine, moved the Capital from Rome to Istanbul (or Jerusalem in Jesus' case) then what would the comfort be? the comfort would be like today's secular people, lots of money and only a little bit of work to show for it, just relaxing and buying servants... But what comfort for the people mourning? what comfort for the people whose love ones die? what about the ignored people whom Jesus couldn't see as the law prohibited Jews from walking accross the borders?

 The Comfortor or "paraclete" (one who comes besides ) 

known as "holy spirit of truth"

The comfort is that Lord Jesus is resurrected, and ascended to the Father and seated at the great Creator-God's right hand, the Creator God who perfectly and mind-bogglingly created the whole world, ordered the cosmos as such, then sent himself as his son Jesus Christ to live, and Raised him up from the grave, setting at naught the condemnations and humiliating the governments of pomp and ceremony. 

Those mourning should know the after life is real, death isn't the end but Lord Jesus has had the victory over the death.

So, now we see why Lord Jesus picked a future, and walked to the highest civil authority that could vindicate his message of Eternal life from the condemnations of a lower, older-confused and blinded authority that of his home town where he worked.  

There were many possible futures, the best that Jesus be king of the world and a cross, the power was with the authority, he gathered followers all voting for Jesus. 

Millionaire success habits

one's life doesn't consist of food nor clothes. If Jesus is our food our bread and wine, and if Jesus is our clothes, our Christ-like character of "Colossians 3:12" 
Then our life is neither our matter, nor our brain's thoughts, and our life isn't our best actions and divine laws. 
life is then the possibilities of choices. the Freedom of the fifth of creation and sixth day of creation an seventh day of creation. 
life is the freedom to choose the future
and life is the ability to have many possible futures all of which are possible, 
Since we are righteous only because we are clothed in Christ, and the righteous ones obey God's laws as Lord Jesus was  obedient,  then our life is not about obeying the laws, since the laws also cut out many of the futures which are possible. 

So to have great love , is to obey the laws, and in this way you love your friends,  
by laying down your life, by not robbing the world of millions of dollars, and robbing the workers of their time and effort, by teaching about seeds and gardening instead of selling a book for $250 on how to make millions by writing books. 
by laying down one's life for your friend, and doing nothing, being in the prison that Christ suffered when he was arrested on the first night that he was betrayed, 
then the future of the other people, the future of your children the future of Jesus' world which he can now explore for ever as Holy Spirit, but still miraculously having Jesus' preserved personality and unique character that requires love and truth ...  those futures have a chance and space to reach the 'origin' which is what community is all about. 

not being selfishly greedy when helping others, or when seeking God, upwardly, still starting as the smallest, growing one's self into a Christ-like person.  

Remember what Lord Jesus said to the man who wanted to follow Jesus where ever Jesus is going.  "Foxes have their [holes = fox caches] , and birds of the air have their nests, but the son of man has not where to rest his head"


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