Deacons and Ministry of the Word : Christ's two witnesses (Acts 6 & Revelation 11)

Acts 6

In the Jerusalem Church in Acts 6 7 deacons are ordained. Full of Holy Spirit and wisdom.
In the Jerusalem Church, there were also 12 apostles, namely the 12 disciples.
This distinction is important, because the Jerusalem church is %100 perfectly created by God.
Saint Paul points out in Ephesians, that with the same historical importance that Moses went up Mt. Sinai and brought down the 10 commandment tablets, Christ resurrected and ascended up to Heaven, and brought down the offices of the church.
Here we see the first 2 offices of the church, where previously there was just one office, that of the disciple.

Revelation 21,22

In Revelation 21 & 22, we see the perfection of that first Jerusalem church from which the global Christianity of today grew from. It grew from that one, poor, hurt, fearful, group of Christians in Jerusalem, 35A.D rejoicing in the truth of Jesus who lived, did miracles and resurrected as befitting the Son of the God who is united as one, Father Son and Holy Spirit.

The roads of "new Jerusalem" are pure gold, like crystal.

 The reason the first church of Jerusalem collected money and got the people to sell their homes to raise mega-bucks was to buy Roman citizenship. Only Roman Citizens could travel the famous Roman highways from country to country around the Mediterranean and the known world. For A non roman  like Jesus or any Israelite, who were just conquered slaves, it would be illegal to migrate beyond their territory. 
But there were different sorts of Roman Citizenship (we'll ignore the female-male divide in European culture for a moment.) They were:

  •  the Romans (Cives Romani)  
  •  the  Italians (Latini), 
  • then the 'Allied-states' (Socii or foederati), 
  • then provincial people such as Israelites (Provinciales.)  
The right to migrate belonged to only the Romans and Italians (Ius migrationis.)  here's a list of rights, 1) the right to marry a roman (Ius conubii:) 2)   right to be human (Ius gentium ) 3) right to make commercial contracts (taxation contracts, etc) (Ius commercii:) 4) right to work in government (Ius honorum:) 5) the right to vote (Ius suffragii: )  6) the right to migrate 7) the right to a trial and defend one's self, 8) the right to appeal lower-court decisions 9)  
The provincial foreigners had only the 'right to be human' (Lus gentium). But you could buy proper roman citizenship, which is what all the rich people around the roman empire did, and that is how the roman empire became focused on money. 
So Once the 12 apostles had gained their citizenship, they were free to 'migrate' anywhere, Peter could go to Rome, Saint Thomas could go through Syria to Persia. John could go to Turkey. 
It's real sad and shameful that european christian priests don't care about first century roman citizenship when they ask for money.    (
So they needed gold and jewels to travel.

Revelation 11

Now in Revelation 11, there are two witnesses of Jesus. they are males, they are Christian and they are priestly, and yet they are repentant. (the Bereans view of Rev 11)
Saint Stephen was the first head of the deacons. he was accused and tried and stoned publically.
Saint Stephen is is the first Christian martyr of the entire Christian history.
The deacons serve the 'laity' those untrained in memorizing scriptures and learning about Jesus through the Holy Bible.
Saint James is the step-brother of Lord Jesus, the son of Joseph. (i go on a limb here, but perhaps Saint James is just the brother of Jesus straightly. Or perhaps James is the brother of John, and because John was adopted by Mary mother of Jesus, at Golgotha, then James Zebedee Boanerges is a brother of Lord Jesus.
Saint James always stood next to Saint Peter when they met with Saint Paul's railings.
Saint James was a bishop of Jerusalem church.
Saint James was martyred, which we know because when Peter escaped from prison, by the Angel (Lord Jesus or something whom he didn't recognize), he was in prison because the government sought to kill Peter after having killed James.
imagine that conspiracy to murder just to stop a church.
wonder the angel came in full door-opening power to save the future of the Christian church.

Weekly day of rest

Just a side-note, no culture or country in Europe before the first Christian Caesar Constantine, had any sort of 'regular day of rest'.
So when modern "Seventh-day Adventists and the Sabbatarians, say that Catholicism changed the Sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday, there was no day to change. Simply Constantine started the new law to have a day of rest.
note: Anglicans have always noted Saturday as the seventh day of the week, and Sunday as the first day of the week.
Since Saint James was the head of the "ministry of the word", and Saint Stephen was the head of the "deacons".
since both were killed by the government who wished to prevent further veneration
their bodies were not allowed to be buried by family and friends.
And their ideal people to guess whose faith would allow themselves to resurrect.
we can then see, that though Acts 1-6-11 runs in 6 mere chapters, it was at least 3 years between Acts 6 and the martyrdom.

Heptadic (7 fold) structure of Revelation of Saint John

There are 7 angels with trumpets in Revelation 8
and ther are 7 angels with bowls in Revelation 16
Yet we know from Christ's own words that the seven angels belong to seven churches
so the church fashions itself to the ministry of the word, after Saint James.
and saves the world by listening to Lord Jesus and the Holy Scriptures of the Pentateuchal Torah
trumpets make a noise, which is heard.
and there are two Greek words for "word", there is Logos (John 1-1) and then there "word of God" is Rhema (Ephesians 6). Logos is a word without hearer, the meaning of a word. Rhema is the spoken word.
or the church fashions itself after the deacons, after Saint Stephen's tree
and kills the world by letting our consumerist capitalist/communist economy of the 666 World Currency continue until all trees, all fish, all air is destroyed.

Angels of God of Israel

the angels obey the God of Israel, and the God of Israel ordained the sabbath day for us to remember we should be free from slavery.
so some theologians think there is no choice between Angels with trumpets and Angels with bowls, no choice between Revelation 8 and Revelation 16.
they view the book as page by page history of the world. first comes Jesus's seals, then comes Saint James' ministry of the word, then comes the deacons serving people with bowls in hand.
But look at the angel's feelings, they don't want to do two jobs, so we have a choice. the choice is at the center of Judaism's Deuteronomy 28 14's covenant.


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