I think Lord Jesus' name is יהוש

God Jesus יהוש was not an italian roman citizen, nor peregrinus citizen 2000 years ago. He lived in Nazareth, and called a nazirite citizen in English. ( Like Samson was a Nazirite in book of judges . Jesus fulfilled that lawcode written by Moses as He said to John the baptist at his baptism.)  Saint Paul was a peregrinus , his paternal side roman and his maternal side Jewish. Romans and peregrinus could appeal to caesar if they faced the death sentence. God Jesus  did not have this luxury. The provincial people such as from the province of Galilee could appeal to the mercy of the governor, Pilate .  As Jonah repented in the whale , Jesus repented of the human titles. Apocryphon of saint John shows Jesus was born the seed of God glorified on this planet , all history glorifies Jesus all the future remembers and loves him. When God Jesus our Father, God's Son and Jesus Holy Spirit, read from the scroll in the Jewish synagogue, the Jews tried to throw Him off the cliff. So he left his home of Nazareth.  He was on a political mission seeking mercy. So when Jesus asked people not to tell of the miracles, like the leper, this deaf guy, or peter calling him son of God, the title given to the caesars of his time. He didn't want the people ruin his legal case. Just as Moses was told by God to tell Pharoah that Israel iq God's firstborn son, but Moses told the people of pharoah at the 10th plague.  The disciples joining to God Jesus Christ's new covenant body, enjoyed the possibility of manumission by which they gained ius migratori the right to legally leave Israel. As he said at John 14:2 in Jesus' Father's house are many dwelling places and i go to prepare a place for you. If it were not so, i would have told you. "  he went to the cross at the time so the living freinds of the universal God's son the creator and inheritor of this planet would be believed and loved and be temples for God the Father Son and Holy Spirit by the new covenant of Jesus Christ as per John 14:23.   You see a jewish lion joshua the conqueror,  I see a loving Man Jesus יהוש ascended to the God the Father's throne and free roaming on His Own planet He created, seeking to be loved, saint Peter's church tasked to love Jesus Christ for His true personal self - God's planet worshipping God in truth and spirit . We have no debts between us, peace of Christ be with you. The church was entrusted to Jews  in jerusalem before manumission of jerusalem apostles to travel ? . Judah israel start with letter y י but i do not think they liked Jesus name  יהוש  and it was lost in translation maybe .  Sounds the same? י ע https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08374x.htm most of that i infered sorry if i am being like eve or the snake?.  Bible college say women paid for Jesus' disciples' food and jerusalem church sold lands to live together.  But i think they purchased manumission citizenship as roads of jerusalem coming from above have roads paved with gold and crystal.


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