7 steps to Making Freedom's plans.
Making plans is what living, moving creatures do.

You can't reasonably deny the maths - life requires plans - and plans require multiple steps and contingency steps. Denying the maths will get you stuck and stuck fast.
Capitalist Industrial science and the psychology of making plans.
Yep, the scientific exploration of 'goal setting' started many decades after quantum physics collapsed 5D possibilities into the wave function of Schrodinger's equation about the evolution of time. A_Theory_of_Goal_Setting_Task_Performance is when making plans was explored for the benefit of industry. This guy with a Dr Ellen Kenner has an enthralling book for single people called "the selfish path to romance."
The seven steps of making plans are explained numerous times by :
- https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/297205
- Child naturally makes her goals to succeed kwhs.wharton.upenn.edu/2015/07/setting-effective-goals/
- Addiction goals - www.dryjuly.co.nz worth a read.
- https://www.briantracy.com/blog/general/7-steps-to-successful-goal-setting/
- Google's #1 https://www.lucidchart.com/blog/the-ultimate-goal-setting-process-in-7-steps
- https://thepeakperformancecenter.com/development-series/skill-builder/personal-effectiveness/goal-setting/10-steps/
- A More critically indepth look at planning goals https://towardsdatascience.com/seven-steps-to-set-goals-and-pick-metrics-for-customers-613283570521
The seven steps to Goal Settings:
Step One - Goal Definition.
A Time and Place.
To define the future one needs to know the time and place. Then one needs to know what that time and place looks like In what state are all the molecules? Is there a box on the empty field in the future? . Yes, the place and time could be my bank account between 2022 and 2023 or it could be the north-corner garden.B. What's different. Is there a choice?
So perhaps we want x amount of dollars, or some fish and plants yielding food in that corner garden. Perhaps in the future we want 10 plants to produce a kg of sale-quality flowers.
Step Two - motivational benefits caused by achieving this Goal
Write down many reasons, while you are excited. So that you can recall them when you are discouraged.
A. Reasons before achieving this goal.
what are the reasons for you achieving this goal. Perhaps you will make the space productive, perhaps you will not struggle for money,
B. Reasons after the goal.
Perhaps you will be comfortable. perhaps you will have healthy food. perhaps you will become an expert in something. perhaps you will be independent.
C. Get specific.
How many trees can you grow, which different types of trees can you grow, and propagate into the future, how many generations will live because of you?
think big, think small or many, think few.
Step three - List the obstacles which stop you or will slow you down
Write down the following things: Why you can't do this goal immediately? What challenges stand between you and the goal? If the future of the life that you live to achieve your goal is a metaphorical path - which mountains are on your path, that you will need to climb and descend?
Perhaps it is permission to use the garden, perhaps it is the soil quality, perhaps it is the frosts, perhaps it is bills and poor job opportunities.
Step four - List skills and knowledge you will need
Try and relate what your goal is to the knowledge you will need. If you want to build a garden, will you need carpentry skills or a soil biology knowledge, will you need horticultural knowledge and tricks, or perhaps you need the knowledge regarding pests and tools to protect from wind.
Step Five - Who can help you?
Write down the organizations that can help you could be a mentor, or the experts in your field whom you can read from. Perhaps they are suppliers that you will need to start a friendly relationship with.
Step Six - Define your Steps to reach your goal.
Now you need to do the hard part and split your goal into steps. They need not be manageable or small. They need not be big and completely independent of the next step.
A. For each obstacle in Step 3
List steps to get around that obstacle, to get through and overcome that impossibility. shortcuts and cheats, skills and abilities, people to hire.
B. For each knowledge field in Step 4
List steps to get those skills, to acquire that master ability, Perhaps your single step is a daily ritual or a weekly ritual.
Each step is a 5-dimensional choice which defines a choice in time and place within which the single duration of time between two points of space&time has two or more different possibilities depending on the choice made.
and each step should progress to the next step in such a way that the next step is possible.
This means that each step should include a time and a place that is before, within or leads to the goals time and place.
If we use words then the word must exist in that time and place, regardless of how many times and places that exist within that one goal. If I plan to die, I could die in many different places and at many different times. I would have to choose a step or a goal, which comes before dying, where the choice of that particular step, has desirable outcomes. Perhaps a step after my death is my burial, and thus I would want to be buried in a particular place which would require a goal to acquire that place for my burial before I die.
So then, when a step is formulated - special care is taken to know what happens if that step fails even if that step's success leads to the goal being achieved.
To organize steps you can draw your plan with lines joining each step. Or you can do the computer thing, and identify each step with it's own Unique ID
Something like "Step1AStep2B" to show if Step1 leads to Future Step1A or Step1B
Then Step2 follows Step1A, and Step2 has two choices Step2A and Step2B
and Step1AStep2B is describing Step2B but you can read the name and see the entire history to understand just how we got to Step2B
Step 7 - make a timeline of your goal and steps
Put the times of the due date of each step and the goal onto a timeline, so that you can keep track of your performance and if your goals are getting done. You can then even use your timeline to show you how well you are doing.
God bless.
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