God's "good" formula in Genesis 1.

1-Dimension = lengths, 2D = surface , 3D = volume, 4D = time, 5D = multiple futures of a single choice, 6D = plans of multiple 5D choices in sequence. 7D = God's commandments that define multiple 6D plans.

Looking at Genesis 1 and Mathematics to under what is “good”.

Good is preservation of (dimensionally relevant) units.

Good is infinitely continuous in a dimensionally-relevant translation or ‘movement’.
When ever
I use the word “science” I know they are the snake’s vain imaginations of the gentiles.



Unit of Measurement

Assessing the Unit

Method preservation of unit

Method for infinite scale (world/heaven)

Method of continuous continuity.

Genesis 1-4
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

1-dimensional units are lengths.

The largest 1D line may be the length of the universe.

The colour of something is defined by its light’s wavelength.

Each atom of a certain element (of the periodic table) has an identifying range of wavelengths (known as the atomic spectra). It’s colour identifies it. Regardless of how far away a light travels it should remain the same colour.
And this unproven assumption of goodness(preservation), is why science can note the difference in the change in colour from galaxies trillions upon trillions of miles away. They use the microscopic redshift to infer how far away a galaxy is from earth’s observing satellite.
Science depends on the 'knowledge and speach of starlight' so reliably that the “cosmic ladder” of methods ascertain how far a galaxy is.

As a 1-dimensional object, light is everywhere; Everything (any higher dimensional object) is comprised entirely of many 1D objects.

Light travels as far as it does. And yet it is that tiny wavelength’s worth of light which travels all that distance. The light itself is like a spherical expanding shell, starting at the origin, and the shell’s radius is it’s distance-travelled.

Genesis 1-10
Land & Seas
10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.s

Area is 2.D. so "area" (measured in square-meters of hectares) is a face of an object.
face of a mountain is trapezoidal (the mountainsides and not a bird's eye view)). The face of an island is merely the 2D surface of land that you see on a normal map.

The Marine oceans (such as Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans) are one joined body of water holding %97 of all water but it's area is %71 of Planet Earth's surface. Continents are areas of land which are ‘above’ the marine seas. land comprises %29 of planet Earths' surface. The shapes of the continents, islands and land above the seas are created by God (who loves you and Christ), and preserved .

The hydrological cycle keeps water moving from the seas to the clouds, and onto the lands and through rivers back to the seas. The hydrological cycle is from the second day of creation.So even though water is dispersedevery where, the land and seas remain in the same area-size.

A sphere's surface is continuou because it has no defined vertices nor edges.
Every point of the Spherical earth can be translated to a single point in outerspace by stationary rotation around the polar axis. So the sun is in the middle of the sky seen from every part of earth’s land. (The sun light is an area of light with many ‘rays of light’ . )

There is no place on the 2D surface of earth which is not lands or seas . Even if mountains are thrown into the sea, there is still only lands and seas on the surface of the earth.

Geneis 1-12
And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

A single biological cell has volume. A single cell has 3D shape, and together the cells are side by side with other cells keeping their shape.

The largest 3D space is the whole universe

Although there’s millions of cells in a tree, only cambium cells produce the tree’s growth. The cambium tissue is a merely cells-thick sheet wrapping around barked trees or columns inside herbaceous plants .
There are different cells inside a tree, even though the only source of growth is the cambium tissue cells. Inner wood cells contain alot of lignin, and the xylem and phloem tissue cells are permeable for aquaeus intracellular fluids (sap).
All the cells still have a nucleus and DNA. and the DNA can be shown by multiple schools to have God as the author of life. Because trees are the fourth creation, we need to look at each cell and each tree as 3D volume but include 4D time as functionally critical to the tree. DNA works in all four dimensions, as even in 4D certain parts of the DNA unfurl at different ages. Search for "four dimensional genome"
reflection on calculus
I would guess that after mitosis the old cell retreats and dries out as xylem tissue to become wood while the new cell continues to live near the surface as phloem and will once perform mitosis. Whether I’m wrong or not about the formation of xylem and phloem, (if phloem is perpetually added to.) , still the fact is that the cambium tissue is a single sort of cell tissue that is a 2D sheet wrapping around the tree, that by increasing in a manner reminiscent of calculus’ integration (by infinitesimal incremental additions) a 3D cylinder (branch) is grown by a 2D outer cylindrical sheet (bark).

The inner wood, which has ‘dendrochronology’ rings of a trunk. That inner wood is older cells which were once cambium tissue cells that replicated once and once they replicated the older cells became wood, and the newer cells were able to replicate for once.
All the cells that a tree produces is 'stored' and saved as 'wood'. This is how 6000 year old individual trees are around, because tree can grow for ever..

A single tree is made of millions of cells that grows upwards, outwards and sideways. Each tree produces seeds and the seeds are new trees. So year after year, century after century trees increase in volume, and second after second, minute after minute each tree grows in size.

Seeds and new life make the volume of trees increase.

Genesis 1-18 Sun, Moon and stellar stars

We see time, by noticing two or more instances of the same space.
a second is how long the second hand moves 1/60th of a minute, so from 1/60th to 2/60th .
Look at the same place, multiple looks.


The largest 4D time is the history of the whole universe.

God said he made the light of the sun and light of the moon, the same as water vapour is made by thermal light from liquid water. And if we look at a single atom, we see when light is absorbed and when light is emitted.

To understand the day, we look at planet Earth alone in space and we can observe it spinning from west to east.



To understand the year, we look at the sun and earth together in one big space (the solar system) , The earth moves around the sun, by gravity pulling the earth towards the sun, and inertial momentum keeping the earth moving.

If we look at stars around our solar system, the stars slowly move from east to west, the stars straight upwards at midnight in December , or to the west in January.

Rotational momentum keeps the earth spinning from west to east at the same speed. If humans didn’t use magnets, electricity there’d be no changes to the speed of the earth’s surface with relation to the earth’s core.

The earth moves around the sun, due to rotational momentum and gravity.
God set the orbits on the fourth day of creation, and in the book of Joshua.

The cycle of day and night continues, so days increase infinitely.

The cycle of spring, summer, autumn and winter continues, so years increase infinitely.

Orbits and rotational momentum keep the number of days increasing and the number of years increasing.

Genesis 1-21
Life in the sea and air

Between the same time-period, from a definite time and place, if there are multiple possible futures, then those futures are 5-dimensional time-lines.


The large 5D is multiple whole histories of the whole universe. That is bigger than anything.

God made fishes and moving creatures to turn left or right in a moment. God made birds to change their trajectory in the air at any moment.

In the water, a fish has few different possible futures, with flight or fight response the fish can prolong it’s lifetime and each moment of life has possible futures

Many fishes and many moving creatures swimming in the sea, means that for each moment of time in the world, there are more and more 5D possible futures.

Fish live long enough to reach maturity and spawn eggs and sperms, then fish multiply with time and the population increases and so there are more and more possible futures for each single moment.

Genesis 1-25
land-based life

6D is Multiple stretches of time when each stretch of time has multiple possible 5D futures. So long-term plans which have multiple steps in time are 6D.

The largest 6D is how to move one possible 5D whole history of the whole universe, into our universe’s whole history.

Each creature can depend on the land being ‘there’ in the future, and plan accordingly.
Each creature can see how they would like their future to be, in that place and work towards manipulating that terrain, anticipating the various futures of multiple situations.

Each animal can build things, on the land. This requires plans with multiple future ‘choices’ and their contingency choices.
Or plans that are composed of multiple plans. So each creature is capable of maximum effort and maximum ability in doing maximum longest life duration or some other future goal.

Multiple creatures together have so many futures, their futures count to infinity* infinity.


With all the mating, and eating of green leaves and fruit , and procreating, and with humans to notice missing animals and help characteristics of the heart in animals, life should produce many many more futures, and futures should increase for planet earth. Like a cone of many many 5D futures.

Genesis 1-31 everything

10 commandments and new commandment are the plummet line of the world.

Each commandment of the 10 commandments, protect truth of God the creator and love of creatures and their lives.

God spoke the 10 commandments with all authority.
Lord Jesus spoke “new commandment to love one another as Jesus loved “you”, which is spoken with perfect authority . Because only life which obeys Jesus’ New commandment will procreate, life and proliferation of life ensure the laws.

7D is many {long term possible futures} and many plans. So If there are many plans of variable duration of time, from 2 step plans to 1000 year plans, then because the laws shape the futures of life, then the futures can stretch into infinity duration.
Because the laws are kind of like logarithmic differential equations, they can keep solving themselves, and ultimately be John 1:1 ‘s truth .

Thus: Everything together, is seen as “very good”, because the creations and life obeys God and continues infinitely as the present is made new.

Second day = distance between atoms of crystalline structures.


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