Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Genesis 1 in Holy Bible

The First page of Christianity's holy bible has a list of creations. The list of creations makes sense when you consider pure mathematics, geometry and calculus' integration of higher dimensions. The first page isn't just a list of creations ordered in any random way, neither is it ordered according to some one dreaming about the first week after a big flood. The creations are ordered however according to "dimensions" of pure mathematics and this is a miracle of unlikely proportions. Fourth Century Bishop Eusebius mentions this fact.
5. For first of all he framed in it formless matter, as a substance capable of receiving all forms. He next, by the power of the number two, imparted quality to matter, and gave beauty to that which before was void of all grace. Again, by means of the number three, he framed a body compounded of matter and form, and presenting the three dimensions of breadth, and length, and depth. Then, from the doubling of the number two, he devised the quaternion of the elements, earth, water, air, and fire, and ordained them to be everlasting sources for the supply of this universe. Again, the number four produces the number ten. For the aggregate of one, and two, and three, and four, is ten. And three multiplied with ten discovers the period of a month: and twelve successive months complete the course of the sun. Hence the revolutions of years, and changes of the seasons, which give grace, like variety of color in painting, to that eternity which before was formless and devoid of beauty, for the refreshment and delight of those whose lot it is to traverse therein the course of life.
The First page isn't, as 19th century Germanic theologians or atheistic scientists would have you believe, fairy-tale nonsense from pre-Egyptian Babylonian times (a plagearism that Israelite kings contrived by jealousy of Mesopotamia as a conspiracy against their own people). You can research the history of our knowledge of Ancient Babylonian myths.
The Holy Bible's First page, is divinely true, explained by the foundations of the most modern of sciences. we must carefully peal away each weed which the atheistic agnostic has planted in the field of science, to reveal God of Israel's Glory.

To Understand the dimensions, you have to understand the concept of Integration, which is F(x) * 1/infinity (for all the 1/infinit-ies (infinite amount in each 1 unit) in any length ) is that object F(x) being transformed into FF (x) a higher dimensional object.

The dimensions of calculus are the dimensions of geometry (shapes) and physics (real life moving things).

One Dimension

One Dimensional Objects are the most thinnest lines of any length.
A one-dimensional line is the component of every part of a 2 dimensional or 3 dimensional object, so in otherwords, 1-dimensional lines can be anywhere in space or everywhere in a space.

Two dimensions

2D are surfaces (anything with 2 axes or many many 1D lines added together).

Three dimensions

3D are space, litres and gallons (volume) any real thing that you can hold or move through is 3D. Trees that God created are infinitely increasing in volume, every minute one living tree increases in size.

Four dimensions

4D is time. time is how you look at the same thing or same place, over a long period of time. Time on Planet Earth is according to the stars , moon and stars.

Five dimensions

So 5D is multiple futures for a single action. a Fish can turn left or right or swim straight , and at any second that's what it does , it has 2 or three options or infinite options, in that moment. A bird in the air, flies left or right, it's actions (while in the air) flow from one moment to the next, and each moment is judged from multiple options.
you will notice from videos that Modern science, that 5D is multiple moments of 5D moments, in sequence. But they are first giving each moment of time the value of 1/infinity and then multiple futures stem from that single moment. those futures must in 4D realm lead to futures so the causal chain of events can open out like s network of 'noded stars'. but this is to mistake the total grand scale of 5D. 5D is many futures, a single spinning in the oposite direction (for only a fraction of a minute) to this universe's atom path, is a whole different universe to 4D reality's universe. so many whole different universes in a 5d 'realm' is like a loom's warp strings all in array.

Six dimensions

The 6D realm allows God to move one 5D alternate universe future into the present 4D reality and old future is moved out of existence. in otherwords, the whole universe has an inevitable future, the eventual outcome (at a certain time) understood as caused by complete chaos.

the Formulae

Even our 20th century germanic theology publicises the multiple formulaic structures of the book of Genesis.
One such popular formula , perhaps because of it's popularity amongst athiests, is the repitition of the verse phrase "These are the generations of". The hebrew word for "Generations" transliterates to "Toledot".
The "Toledot Formula" has thousands of pages on the internet which is used by the devilish "Documentary hypothesis" disputers, to suggest that the book of Genesis was compiled by Moses or whomever from historical tablets which were ancestrally handed down , tablet of the generations of Adam , the tablet of the generations of shem and a tablet for each of the generational lists, were perhaps according to the conspiracy, tablets handed down through the generations into the Egyptian civilisation , and then carried out of egypt by Moses along with the mumified corpse of Joseph.

Formula in Genesis 1:
"God said"
Each "God said" pertains to the next corresponding dimensional axis. Dimensions are used to define something's existence. The object defined exists, in such a manor in reality to be y high, z wide and x long and at points (x2,y2,z2). So then, something's existence, according to the fundamental dimensions of universe's existence, requires the "said" verb . Thus in speaking, literally, the existence of something is defined. So in Genesis 1, each time "God said" is used, the subjects of the verse, are to be considered mathematically ( geometrically) according to that dimensionality .

"God saw that it was good".
Each occurance of "God saw" or "good", corresponds to the dimensionality of the corresponding perpetual or continuous geometric object according to the object defined using "God said"'s dimensionality.

the number of the day, corresponds to the dimensionality or the "realm or context" with which we view the mathematics of the 'good' quality of the object being created. We shall focus on the "good" quality of the creations in those verses. That God saw, the goodness, may biblically show that God is watching and judging , looking for life's fruit of perpetuity in our actions. Each creation can be shown to be good, because in that dimensional frame, the object is infinitely continuous in it's changing newness and it's preserved nature.
I use this formula to step through the verses of Genesis 1, and show that God's creations are perfectly mathematical and thus the Holy Bible is divinely true.

"God said"

"God said" as formula for that creation's capabilities within the corresponding dimension.

Let us look at how the creation specified pertains to a dimension.
Genesis 1-3 (esv)

The Part of the light, which is fundamental to our scientific 'notion' of light is a photon's wavelength. The wavelength is sole independant variable in many functions and relations describing light, and the wavelength is key in observing the galaxies (redshift) and individual elements (Element signatures of "Emission and absorption spectra").
Consider how far light can travel, from the further distance known to mankind, light travels. these distances are a key idea of numbers and x-axis dimension.
Light is everywhere, if light didn't change we would say light is space. Where is light? everywhere outside of atoms, inbetween atoms, in any place of outerspace you might recieve light from anywhere reaching that point of observation. We can deduce this fact of light, from the fact that 1D objects in geometry, are the foundation of every higher-dimensional object.

1D video 2Dvideows (surface of sphere) (characteristics of sphere) 4D video (10thdim) 5D is very very large , 3D can be all the universe or the whole galaxy at a single moment of time
and 4D can be infinite history of the whole universe.
5D is what you can see as alternate futures of the world. you will notice that Videos and Modern science doesn't specifically declare that their 5Dimensional illustrations are 6Dimensional . multiple futures does lead to multiple secondary and subsequent moments (each with their own many possible futures), and these chains of futures, is 6D. Theoretical Physics goes as far as universes where each moment is worth 1/infinity of time, and each of those moments has it's possibilities which lead to other subsequential moments which their own alternate possible futures . but the mere fact of multiplying each moment by 1/infinity that is the act of calculus's integration (y = y' * 1/infinity )
6D is basically having perspective which considers all those of those alternate futures and works with that. That could be God changing the history and keeping the present experience static, so that the future and the present changes but only that which affected by the Biblical Miracle. 5D video (10thdim) (spooky 10thdim) 9mainstream sci0 9gtravity09x (minutescience) (evidence?) Jesus many-worlds-and-the-multiverse-the-same-idea/ ptics (incorrect) 6D video (10thdim) (around the corner) 7D video (10thdim) div infinity love gravity universe as a point The Lamb and his army of heaven who's name is "Faithful and True", he is the Word of God (the Holy Bible and Holy Scripture) and his army of heaven, who is fights with the sword of his mouth. We are on his heavenly army, by appointment of faith and belief that Christ is the way, the truth and the life. When he treads the winepress of the fury, it is because the lies of athiests and non-believers have wrought their evil ways beyond fiction's realm into reality (as we see with the early 20th century's experiments (wars) in government-controlled evolution).


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